Part 1 || bye bye bye

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Even know Naruto saved the village from the pain they still speak badly of him and ridicule him. They would say things like:
"This would have never happened if we got rid of him"
"This is all his fault, why can't he just leave"
Naruto had been hearing the same things ever since he was a little child, but something about it now just really tips him over the edge.
He wanted to leave.
And he will leave.
He was disappointed, sad, mad. No furious, he saved the village from pain, and he still was getting mocked by the people he saved.
He was like  Theseus, he saved the village from the monster but still got a negative reaction from the citizens of what he thought was the best village in the land of fire. He couldn't stand the mockery from the village people no more.

5 o'clock the next morning he had to leave for his well-being, he always hated the village people, he thought if he trained hard enough he'll finally get the respect that he wanted but that thought seems so distant now, he saved the village from pain for goodness sake. He packed a bag filled with food and water, clothes and toiletries. Be for the left he left a note, one singular note, signed to one singular person.
Shikamaru. Naruto loved him like his own brother, Shikamaru had been with him from the start, he was his first friend. Letter something like this:

My first friend, my enemy, maybe the last person I cared about from the village.
I'm leaving I'm not sure if I'll ever come back. I can't stay here, I hate being mocked and talking about behind my back.
Don't try and find me, it'll be too much of a drag.
I don't want you to worry about a lost cause that you may never find and if you did find me it'll take a lot of force to take me back.
Take care of the village and talk to that girl from the sand village, you'll make a cute couple.  Take care of yourself, I don't know what I'll do without you.

Naruto sneaked over to where Shikamaru was staying and placed it on his bed and left.
Naruto was questioned by the ninja that was on patrol, Naruto simply said he was going on a mission and they let him go.

Naruto's adjective was to get to one of Orochimaru's old bases, preferably the one where he saw Sasuke for the first time in years. He knew that it would be abandoned as none would be there so it would be a covenant.

After about 2 weeks of Naruto walking around aimlessly, trying to remember how he got to the base he found it. Once's he was in he remember The time with Sasuke, and how different he become, he could just feel the power just flowing out of him, Naruto did t know if it was kinda hot or it was terrifying. His childhood friend just kinda swooped down like a bird and held a knife against him, the last time Naruto saw Sasuke they were in a kinda simulated situation. The difference is that Naruto didn't fight back, why didn't he.

Naruto roamed through the halls, coming to a halt at a room that was labelled "Sasuke" he opened the door to see and organise, dusty room. So I got about being in that room made Naruto feel something. He placed his bag at the end of the bed and looked through the room. he found Sasuke old ninja costume, it brought Naruto into tires. He brings the clothes up to his head and buries his face in them.
He missed his friend.
He missed his Sasuke.

After a while, Naruto left the room to try and find the hole in the roof and try his best to fix it. It took him a while but Naruto got the roof to be somewhat ok. So he whets back to looking around the base. He found the kitchen, training room and even an indoor garage. While Naruto was checking out the training room he found some weights that are meant to go on your legs and wrist like rock lee. He puck the one and huffed, how dose rock lee dee, with this every day.
Naruto walked around the base with the weight, slowly getting used to them.
The tie.

Was around 10 pm so Naruto headed to the kitchen and make some kind of food with the resources he had. He had a peanut butter sandwich, the bread was stale but Naruto was too tired to care. So after he scoffed the sandwich down he headed to Sasuke's old room and laced down on the bed. He looked and the sealing for a minute or two thinking if this was the right thing to do and if everyone in the village is ok.
Naruto fell asleep not too long after he hoped in.

Hello, I hope you liked the first chapter.
If you didn't notice I added some pop culture references in their like Hamilton, back street boys, village people and Theseus the Greek god I'm not sure if I got the story right through.

885 words

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