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"Are you absolutely certain you want to do this Regan? After this you won't be able to take anything back." Malcolm looked at me warily, expecting me to bow under pressure and back out of the press conference that we had arranged for me. I looked at the ceiling momentarily before looking back at him and nodded my head in agreement.

"Yes I'm certain." I tucked a stray bang over my ear and touched my hair nervously.

I was dressed in a casual navy top, black pencil skirt and nude flats. My makeup was minimal, enough to accentuate my lovely sea green eyes, and my hair was in a messy but lovely chignon. Malcolm nodded and gestured to the door.

"After you then."

I walked out of his office with him close behind me. We turned around a corner and made our way to an office. There were at least a dozen reporters with cameras and microphones, all ready for the statement I was about to make. I felt bile rise up my throat. I felt myself starting to panic, it didn't help that Rachel wasn't there to be by my side. She had work, oh the life of an adult. I made my way to the front of the room and every pair of eyes was following me. I felt their confused glances, wondering why they were all there, possibly wasting their time on nonsense. I could read their facial expressions. I knew what they were thinking about me, but still, I pressed on, head held high, with Malcolm still right behind me. Finally, after what seemed like forever, which was no more than a few seconds we reached the front and Malcolm cut in front of me to speak first.

"Hello everyone, I would like to thank you all for being here. My name is Malcolm Granger. I represent Miss Regan Hargrove." He gestured in my direction. Everyone looked as confused as ever.

"She would like to address the rumors that are circulating about her personal life. We ask that all questions and comments be reserved until after she is finished speaking." He finished strongly.

I made my way to the front and breathed in nervously. This was it. My time to tell my truth.

"Hello, my name is Regan Hargrove. I am the woman that Philip Rylancourt impregnated." As soon as his name left my lips, cameras and microphones were practically shoved in my face.

"I would like to state for the record that I am not lying. My baby is his. He and I met about two and a half months ago and had a quick dalliance that resulted in my little Peanut."I rubbed my little belly lovingly. Malcolm didn't write that part in, but I added it for good measure. I continued on with my statement. "I do not appreciate the attack on my character nor my integrity. If Mr. Rylancourt so chooses we can set up a time for he and I to take a dna test to prove that the baby I'm carrying is his. If not, then so be it. Lastly, I would like to say that I absolve Mr. Rylancourt from any responsibilities or rights he might be entitled to in regards to my pregnancy. Nor do I ask or require anything of him. I want ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from him." I enunciated those two words carefully. If Mr. Rylancourt wishes to contact me, he can do so through my lawyer Mr. Malcolm Granger. Thank you." I ended quickly, glad that the statement I had made was over. I felt little beads of sweat forming on the small of my back. The instant I was finished, I became riddled with questions.

"When are you due?"

"Will you let Philip be a part of the baby's life?

"Do you know the sex of the baby?"

"Will the baby have Philip's last name?"

"Are you hoping for a boy or girl?"

I looked at Malcolm, suddenly anxious by all of the questions. He came to my rescue instantly.

"We appreciate all of your questions folks, but unfortunately we cannot answer anymore questions at this time. Have a pleasant evening, thank you." He grabbed the small of my back and gestured me toward the door. We left the room quickly, cameras and microphones flashing and waving near us. When we were finally back in his office and out of earshot, I sank into one of his chairs and breathed an audible sigh of relief.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me curiously.

"Shaken, but I'll get through this. I just pray I did the right thing by Peanut."

He nodded silently, letting what I just said to him register.

"Thank you so much." I said to him.

I got up from the chair and took Malcolm by surprise as I enveloped him in a hug. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed softly, he was stiff as a board, but soon relaxed enough to hug me back. He spread his large hands on my back and rubbed subconsciously. I breathed in his musky male scent, it smelled exotic and primal and entirely him. He moved his arm up my back and cupped the back of my neck. We looked up at each other and stared each other in the face. What the hell was happening with us? He leaned in and gave me a soft tentative kiss on my lips. I flinched with surprise but quickly masked it and kissed him back. His lips were soft and supple, an odd mix for a man who looked as strong as he did. He quickly ran his warm tongue on my bottom lip and held on to me tighter. I moved my hands from around his back, up his arms and stopped at the hair at the nape of his neck. It was as soft as I had been hoping. He moved his hand from my neck and cupped my face gently, caressing it lovingly, dragging his knuckles along my jawbone and cheek.

"Philip is an idiot, he doesn't realize how especially beautiful you are." He whispered in my ear. His words were a bucket of ice cold water on me. Philip! The reason we were here. I tensed up right away and stepped back from his embrace.

"I'm so sorry, I.. I don't know what came over me." I said apologetically, suddenly embarrassed by my boldness.

"Don't be." He said awkwardly, putting his hands in his pockets. He coughed out nervously, suddenly unsure about himself.

I didn't know what was going on with us, but we couldn't let it cloud our judgment, especially not me. The last thing I needed was another man in my life complicating it.

"Um thanks again, I uh, hope you have a nice day. I'll see you." I said nervously, as I grabbed my purse and left his office in a rush. What the hell was I doing? I was never this impulsive about men, I needed to stop, being impulsive was what got me into the current situation I was in, I didn't need to make things worse for myself. He nodded silently, watching me as I left, his feet still rooted to the spot he had been standing in. Tonight was going to be a long night, we both thought to ourselves...

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