13. Daffodils

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Steve was 19, and was returning back to Xeutopia with a fractured arm and wounded soul after the war, when a little girl in the station gave him a single daffodil. For free, too. Back then Earthian things were the trend and fashion and were the most expensive of things. So when she gave him a daffodil, just like that, Steve couldn't do a thing except watch her wave a goodbye and run back to her mother.

The daffodil lasted for a week before wilting but , for some reason, Steve never threw it away. He was oddly attached to the flower. So he packed it in an air tight bag and put it in a drawer. It has been collecting dust ever since.

But he still doesn't want to throw it away

~*~*~*~20 November 2021~*~*~*~

A/N: I know, I know. It's short. Like, uber short, but that's how it is. I want to act like a professional author, and let you make what you want of the chapter. But I am immature, and am not professional, so I am going to give you all a hint: Daffodil symbolizes rebirth and new beginning.

See ya!


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