Chapter 12

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Author's note: This chapter will contain some swearing. Sorry about that, it just felt right to use those words in this situation. I also wanted to update yesterday, but I got really busy. And the girls are famous in the story, but not Ryan Beatty. Ryan is just a normal guy. Enjoy :D

(PS: Don't forget to comment your thoughts on the story! Thank you!)

Lisa's POV

I'm so tired! It's like 11 pm and I'm in the hospital, waiting for Christina and Katherine to come back. We needed to discuss some serious things that could happen to Lauren and the band. Mike already left with the boys and the rest of my sisters, minor Lauren, are playing with cards. Suddenly, the door opened and a short woman wearing light pink scrubbs walked in with a thermometer, pills and a glass of water in hands. I got up and walked towards her.

"What are you doing?" I asked, cautiously. She turned around and smiled brightly at me. I'd recognize that smile anywhere. Angela Malek, Lauren's best friend since they were both very young.

"Hi Lisa!" Angela greeted warmly, a huge smile on her face.

"Angie! What are you doing here? I didn't know that you were in Malibu!" I replied happily, sticking my arms out to give her a welcoming hug.

"Oh come on, Lisa! You'd really think that I was gonna let my best friend go through all of this by herself? I thought you knew me better than that!" she joked, faking a hurt and surprised tone in her voice.

"Haha, sorry! Gosh, I can be so dumb sometimes!" I said, laughing quietly so that I wouldn't wake Lauren up. I turned around when I realized that Amy and Dani were still in the room. They were both asleep, their heads resting on the table. That's why none of them said hi to Angela. I'm not surprised that they both fell asleep, they're not really night owls. They always went to bed before 11 pm, while Lauren and I could practically stay up until 4 am. Not really the best idea, but neither of us can help it. We're never tired when it's bedtime.

"Well, we can see that they aren't night owls." Angela commented. I looked at her and we both shared a small laugh. Angela's face then became all serious and griefful. Well, that isn't normal at all, she's always so cheerful.

"I'm really sorry about your parents." she said, genuinely.

"'s....fine..." I replied, no really knowing how to respond to that.

"It must be so hard for all of your right now. Not knowing if your parents are alive, having your little sister stuck in the hospital. You people are incredibly strong. You girls are so amazing." she added, giving me another warm hug. That's when I lost it. I felt my eyes tear up and I just sobbed in her shoulders. She may not be my best friend, but I gladly consider as my long lost seventh sister. She's always been so supportive and she's always been there for us. I love her so much. We have the most amazing friends ever. Our emotional moment soon got interrupted when Angela broke the hug up. She smiled sadly at me and picked up the container with the pills in it. She took the lid off and looked at me.

"I have to give her some medication. I'm volunteering here as a medical assistant for a couple of weeks." she explained when she saw the confusion in my eyes.

"Oh okay. Look, Angela, I'm gonna go look for Christina and Katherine. Do you mind staying here and keep an eye on the girls until we get back? You don't have to if you don't want to." I asked her.

"Oh sure, no problem!" she responded, smiling brightly at me.

"Oh, thank you so much! I promise you it's not gonna take long!" I promised, heading outside of the room. I heard her say a little "You're welcome" before I have completely closed the door shut. When I turned around, my jaw dropped. There were at least five different hallways to choose from, all leading up to a different room. Now, how the heck am I gonna find my older sisters? This is place is freaking huge! As I was starting to panic, I remembered walking past a cafeteria on this floor. Maybe Christina and Katherine went to that food court instead of the main one, all the way downstairs. The only way to find the cafeteria on this floor is by guessing which hallway leads to that room.

"Lisa!" I heard a bossy voice say behind me as I was about to leave. I turned around and saw my two older siblings walking in my direction, with a furious look on their faces. Behind them was a boy in slippers and wearing a hospital robe. He had blond/brownish hair and deep blue eyes, and he looked terrified.

"Umm, hey. Who's that?" I asked, pointing at the teenage boy.

"Oh, you know him very well." Katherine replied angrily.

"Introduce yourself!" Christina ordered the young boy. The boy made a little jump before lifting his head up. I gasped as soon as I saw his face.

"Hey Lisa. I hope you remember me." the teen said, his voice trembling. My expression went from shocked and sympathetic to furious and full of rage. Ryan Beatty, the jerk that broke Lauren's heart nearly two months ago. They've been happily dating for about six months until my baby sister caught him cheating on her. Lauren literally spent one whole month crying and being absolutely devastated.

"Ryan. The imbecile who decided to cheat on our precious baby sister. How the heck could I ever forget you. You hurt Lauren when she was already so weak and ill." I spat out, gazing intensely at him. If looks could kill, he would already be gone right now, cause three pairs of eyes are staring furiously at him. That two timing pig didn't say anything to my comment and instead put his head down. I looked over at my sisters and they were still looking at the stupid child. (AN: OK, I know that Ryan isn't stupid or anything. I actually like him. This is just for the story.)

"Did you know that Lauren has been rushed to the hospital the day after she caught you cheating on her? She was unwakeable and it turned out that she's been harming herself." I asked Ryan with so much hatred in my voice. He looked up at me with his eyes filled with tears and shook his head.

"Of course you didn't. You don't give a damn about her." Christina growled.

"Oh Lisa, guess what?" Katherine told me, still looking at the hated boy.

"What?" I replied.

"He's the fucking reason why mom and dad are here. He's the reason why they are in a stupid coma!" Christina practically yelled.

"WHAT!?" I shrieked. Okay, at this moment, the only thing I really wanna do right now is slapping that little, stupid, irresponsible kid.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked Ryan, who was literally shaking really badly.

"I....I-" Ryan sluttered before Christina interrupted him viciously.

"That idiot was drunk while driving!" my oldest sister answered at his place.

"You were drunk?" I asked the boy, in disbelief and absolutely furious.

"Yes." he replied quietly. The next thing I know, the palm of my hand got in contact with his scarred cheek.

"You IDIOT! DON'T YOU KNOW THAT IT'S ILLEGAL TO DRINK AND DRIVE!? YOU'RE NOT EVEN 21 YET! YOU SHOULDN'T BE DRINKING AT ALL!! SHAME ON YOU, RYAN!!" I yelled at him. Thankfull nobody else was in the hallway and that the walls and doors in this building are soundproof. Ryan looked shaken and taken aback, but didn't say a single word.

"Girls, I think we're done with him." Katherine told us before turning back to the 17 year old. "I hope that you'll realize how bad the consequences will be as soon as you'll be completely healed. They could send you off to prison and if they don't, my siblings and I are gonna make sure that you are going to pay for all the pain that you have caused to our family, especially to Lauren and our parents. Be aware, Beatty. This isn't over yet." Kath said harshly. Ryan nodded and mumbled something inaudible before walking away. My sister and I took a deep breath and decided to go back in the room. When we got in, Angela was holding Lauren's pale hand, and my two other sisters were awake. I walked near Lauren's bedside and for unknown reasons, I felt the need to put my hand on her forehead. I did so, but quickly pulled it away. It was so freaking warm!

"Angela, what is Lauren's temperature? She's burning hot!" I asked our friend.

"She's doing 107.5 degrees of fever." the nurse-in-training answered.

"Gosh, is she gonna be healthy enough to do the treatment tomorrow?" Katherine asked her, concerned.

"I don't know...." Angela simply said, her eyes on Lauren's ghostly pale face.

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