Chapter 7

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Hey everyone! Before you guys start reading, I just want to wish you all a happy new year! May 2013 be an amazing year for all of you! Personnally, I think that 2013 will be my favorite year cause that's when the kids from '00 will become teenagers, and I'm one of them :D Anyways, enjoy!

                        ----------------------2 hours time skip-------------------------------

Dani's POV

Okay, it's been two hours since Lauren fell asleep and it's now dinner time. Christina and Katherine told me to wake her up because they have a very special announcement to make. I swear, if it's another one of their horrible news, I don't want to hear it.

"Yo, Laur. Wake up." I whispered, shaking her gently. She slowly turned around and opened her eyes.

"What?" she asked, her voice incredibly strained.

"It's dinner time." I answered, calmly.

"I'm not hungry. I just want to sleep." she said, shifting slowly to her right.

"Kath said that she has something important to say." I replied.

"If it's bad news, I don't want to hear it." she said, annoyance and tiredness clear in her voice. Wow, we think alike. My sisters weren't kidding when they said people would have mistaken us all the time if we looked a bit more alike. She could be my twin.

"Come on Lauren. Just come downstairs to hear the announcement and then you can go back to bed." I begged her, smiling at her.

"Fine." she answered, groggily. She slowly sat up on her bed and flinched in pain.

"What's wrong?" I asked, noticing her flinch.

"My muscles are aching, that's all." she answered, weakly.

"Need help?" I offered, sticking out my hand.

"No thanks, I'm good." she replied, pushing it away. When we arrived in the dining room, the rest of the family, except of course mom and dad, were already at the table. Everybody was so quiet, even the three youngest boys. They were absolutely confused, because normally, dinner time was the loudest time of the day.

"Lauren, you sick?" my youngest brother Joey asked.

"Kind of" she lied, sitting down in her assigned place. Dinner went by really slowly. Christian, noticing the unusual silence and our parents' absence, got up from his seat and went to his room. A few minutes later, he came back with his cute little radio in hands. He put on some Katy Perry, went back to his seat and quickly finished his plate. Soon enough, Nick and Joey finished theirs too and waited for us to let them go play.

"Boys, you can go and have fun." Christina said. With that, all three of them raced each other to the basement.

"Yes, I won!" I heard Nick's voice scream. So apparently,  he won.

"Okay, now that they're gone, Christina and I have some very exciting news for ya" Katherine said excitedly as she stood up. Nobody dared to say anything. Christina, noticing the unusual shyness and quietness of the family, clapped her hands really loud. For someone who had an emotional  breakdown nearly two hours ago, she sure has a lot of energy. That's probably a good sign. Maybe it's gonna be a good news after all.

"You know, we're waiting." Lauren said, impatiently.

"So, everyone at this table knows about Lauren's disease, right?" Katherine asked. Everybody nodded, except Alex. OMG! ALEX! We have completely forgot about him!

"Lauren's disease?" Alex asked, confused. I gave myself a mental facepalm, and I'm pretty sure all of my other siblings did the same. How could we forget to tell him about such an important affair? I looked at my two oldest sisters and their faces were priceless. I looked at Mike and his mouth was wide open. I then looked at Lisa and Amy and they were just covering their mouths with their palms. Finally, I looked at Lauren and she was quietly laughing. I'm not gonna lie, everybody else's reactions were pretty hilarious. I wonder how did I look like.

"Lauren's disease?" Alex repeated, seriously. We all looked at Mike, Christina and Katherine. They each took a deep breath and told him the whole story. By the end of the story, Alex dropped his fork and stared at his food, obviously shocked.

"What's the freaking news you wanted to tell us!?" Amy shouted.

"Woah..." I muttered. I have never seen Amy that impatient.

"Well... believe it or not... the doctors have found a cure for Lauren's disease!" Christina announced, jumping up and down. I saw Lisa and Amy doing a spit take at the same time, Lauren and I just dropped our utensils while the boys' eyes popped out of their faces.

"WHAT!?" we all shouted at the same time. Amazing, we even have sibling synchronisation.

"They found a cure for Lauren's rare condition!" my oldest sister repeated. Everybody was so shocked, especially Lauren.

"What!? When!?" we all asked at the same time. Again, sibling sync.

"Dr. Reynolds called earlier and told us about this wonderful news." Katherine exclaimed, giggling and flashing off her famous million dollar smile.

"When is the treatment gonna start?" Lauren asked, seriously.

"We don't know yet." Katherine answered, looking at Christina.

"The doctors didn't tell us yet." Christina continued, knowing what Katherine was trying to say. As a response, Lauren simply nodded and dinner passed by quickly, yet quietly.

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