Chapter 11

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Christina's POV

So... Lauren's asleep, Katherine went to the cafeteria and the rest of my siblings are watching the Next Great Baker. I was playing tetris on my phone when I saw Lauren's chest rising up and down irregularly. Her breathing started to be quite loud and uneven, and her skin color paled into a very ghostly-like shade of white. I wasn't panicking, though. I knew exactly what was happening.

"Lauren, wake up sweetie." I said quietly, touching delicately her arm. Dani turned around and gave me a confused look. She then gazed at her older sister and quickly understood what was going on. She stood up, took a seat next to me and gently rubbed Lauren's white cheek with her thumb. Soon enough, Lauren's eyelids started to move, but stayed closed. I started to shake her arm rigorously.

"Lauren, wake up." I said sternly.

"Come on, Laur. Open you beautiful hazelnut eyes. We want to see them." Dani said sweetly, smirking at me. Lauren then started to respond to our desires of her waking up. She shifted to her left, then to her right, which is in our direction, and slowly opened her eyes. I noticed a couple of tears threatening to fall in the corner of her eyes and I immediately felt bad for waking her up, but I knew that what I did was the right thing to do.

"Had a nightmare?" Dani asked in her cute little sister tone. As a response, Lauren simply nodded and stared at us. Her eyes were bloodshot red and as lifeless as a graveyard. It had hints of fear and sadness in them.

"What was it about?" I questionned her. My baby sister stayed quiet for a while, as if she was trying to remember what her horrible nightmare was about.

"" Lauren choked out, with a terrified voice. With that, everybody else turned around and stared at us in shock. I quickly explained to them that it was just a nightmare and they all "awed". They then turned around and continued what they were doing, except for my younger brother Christian. He hopped off of the couch on which he was sitting on with the two younger boys and walked towards Dani and I.

"Christina, Dani, can I ask you a question?" he asked quietly. Dani and I looked at each other confusiedly.

"What's up, Christian?" we both said at the same time.

"Privately." he replied, looking at our sick sister.

"Dani, go bring Christian in the hallway. I'll come in a minute." I ordered my youngest sister. She nodded and got out of the room, with my baby brother close behind.

"Lauren, get some more sleep, alright?" I told Lauren, playing with her wavy.

"What if I can't?" she asked me, clearly exhausted and ill.

"Don't worry, you'll fall asleep quicker than you think." I replied, smiling at her.

"Goodnight." she said, stretching her arms out and closing her eyes.

"Goodnight Lauren...." I answered sweetly, planting a small kiss on her forehead. As I did so, a small smile formed on her lips and her breathing slowed down, keeping a regular pace. I smirked at the beauiful view that my eyes were capturing and felt my heart warm up. I slowly got up, walked to the door and got out of the room to see Christian in tears and Dani trying really hard to comfort him. I rushed to give Christian a tight and reassuring hug, but he just pushed me away.

"Christian, what's the matter?" I asked calmly, bending my knees so that I could be as tall as him. He sniffed and wiped away his tears and just looked at me.

"Why is Lauren here?" he asked, his voice trembling from all the tears.

"What do you mean by that?" I replied, a little confused.

"Why is Lauren here, in the hospital?" he explained, frowning.

"She's very ill right now, honey. She has a really rare health problem that makes her very weak when she's sick. Lauren has been admitted to the hospital so that she can get some treatment done." I told him, trying to not get in the details.

"So... like cancer?" he asked me, teary-eyed.

"Actually, less worse than cancer." Dani answered, looking at me.

"But she is gonna be alright?" Christian said, getting his hopes up.

"Do not worry baby, she is gonna be 100% back to normal in a couple of months. We have the best medical team here, in Los Angeles. I assure you, in at least five months, she'll be back home playing with you guys and living her life." I told him, messing his short hair up.

"Yay!" he said excitedly, giving Dani and I one of his warm smiles.

"Promise me one thing, Christian." I said, seriously.

"What is it?" he asked, his smirk fading away.

"Don't tell Nick or Joey about this." I continued, sternly.

"Sure, no problem!" he answered, smiling again.

"Ok, go back in the room and pretend that nothing happened. We do not want to get the younger boys curious." Dani added. Christian nodded and silently went back in the room, leaving Dani and I in the middle of the hallway.

"Hey, where's Katherine? It's been more than an hour since she left to go get a snack." Dani asked me, loooking around the hallway.

"I don't know, let me call her." I answered, taking my cellphone out of my backpocket. I dialed Kath's number and after about six rings, she finally picked it up.

"Kath, where are you?" I asked my sibling, angrily.

"Come to the cafeteria now!" she replied, practically shouting into her phone. With that, she hung up. I groaned and rushed to the food court. It took me quite a while to find that room, the hospital was insanely huge. Once I had finally found it, I walked in the room to find my younger sister staring furiously at a young boy we once loved, but who is now hated by the whole Cimorelli family. Ryan Beatty.

Author's note: Okay, I know that the Cimorellis doesn't hate Ryan at all. I'm not sending hate to Ryan, this is just part of the story, so I kinda have to make him look bad. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter, and I know I never asked this before, but I'd really love that you guys comment your thoughts about this story :) Next chapter should be up by tomorrow night :D

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