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I'm sorry that this is a long as story- But I love long story writing its fun :D

Real Blood, gore, swearing, death threats etc. yOu Get the drill after like 40 chapters-

Y/n POV:

When I thought I had escaped them all he swung again, but higher. It caught my left shoulder, and stumbled backwards. He seemed to be shocked as well as I was. I cupped my hand over my now bleeding wound inflicted by the man opposing me. Blood seeped through my fingers and flowed down my arm. We just stare in silence. At this time Tubbo had already fled a long time ago- 

We just stand like this for minutes on end. Both of our faces remained neutral. That's when we heard a the bone chilling scream.

"L'maburgians. Stop what your doing now!" I snap my attention and to my dismay it was the gold chained blonde next to him. But that wasn't even the worst past...

Dream had a sword locked against his throat. I examined the rest of him but all I saw was his bloody clothing? Did he get hit? My eyes begin to water uncontrollably. I stand there, my fists turning a pale white colour. I can feel my throat blocking up. Why him? I look at Sapnap, but he looks are surprised as me. So this part wasn't planned. I looked around the nation. Tommy ,Tubbo and George were no where to be seen at all, but that was at the bottom of my worry list. 

"Drop your weapon now or you can guess what happens next" His mask gazes into Wilbur's face filled with despair and agony. I can't see him like this. I dropped my weapon willingly and put my hands up. I gaze at Wilbur's face once again. He looks barely awake. 

"Now kick it away" He bellowed. I grunt and remain still. 

"Fine have it your way" He pressed his blade against his throat, blood beginning to trickle down. I heard a whimper escape Wilbur's lips. In all my time here, I'm never seen him so vulnerable.

"No!" I step forward, stamping my foot. Dream looked up at me and the gold chained blondie pointed to my sword. 

"Kick it away Y/n" I finally gave in and turned around and kicked it towards Tommy's cabin which was dead behind me. 

"Good" He says darkly, releasing the blade from his throat a bit, enough for him to breathe. I sighed with relief but remained quiet before he spoke again. 

"Now" He says "Where are your two accomplices?"  

"Who?" I bite back a snarky retort. 

"The two children" He shrugs his shoulders.

"Ohhh them-" I smirk. "Honestly don't have a clue" I watched his hand tighten around his sword. "I would have told you if I knew where they are" I shrug and step forward.

"Stay where you are" He growled, tapping on his glowing blade. My face lights up instantly when I see two black blurs moving in the background. I could make out a crossbow and two figures, one holding the crossbow. 

"Hey Dream?" I say childishly. He grunts.


"Have you ever been shot with a crossbow before?" I ask, putting my arms behind my back. He hesitates before answering.

"I have once" He seemed to have to chosen his words carefully to not reveal anything too personal. 

"Well now you can say you've been shot twice" I smirk evilly. He spun around but it was already too late. The bolt came into contact with his skin and submerged into his leg. He screeched, dropping Wilbur In hurry. I smile, walking over to the crouched man. The two "blurred figures" who were Tommy and Tubbo came closer, staring at the gold chained man with the crossbow loaded.

"Leave before I shoot you" Tubbo's face remained serious. He shot Dream? He needs to give me a couple of tips. The blonde gold chained man put his arms up and bolted out of the nation, into the undergrowth. I turn to Sapnap who was still standing there, now shocked.

"Leave while you can" I nodded to him, and smiled. He simply nodded back and jogged out of the nation and out of sight when he hit the thick forest. I sigh and whip around to the slumped green man on the floor holding onto his leg in desperation. I cock my head up, his mask still hung in the middle of his face. All his men had fled, leaving him behind. Quite pathetic if I do say so myself. He looked so vulnerable. I have never seen him this- just weak. 

"So your men fled" I finally speak up, looming over him. He didn't speak, just sat in silence. 

"What, no words of protest?" It was next Wilbur who spoke. Our whole group had circled the injured man. He let out a sigh, still not speaking. "Fine, don't talk. Tommy, Tubbo your with me. Y/n... Go back to your cabin or the medical wing. Your not needed right now" Wow- way to keep me out of the picture. "Come on boys, we're taking this freak underground" The tall man spat harshly. I watched them carry Dream underground, to the cell I once stayed in. He didn't fight back once, I found that extremely strange. I huff. Why would they keep me away? I'm so confused. 

The next day

I pace around my cabin. Wilbur had told me to keep away from Dream's cell. He had seemed as if he was so protective or he could murder me in one swing of his fists. I can't be bother with this anymore. I storm out of my cabin and sprint to Tubbo's cabin. I knock as loud as I can 4 times. I grunt when he didn't answer, but then he opened the door. He rubs his eyes, and opens the door. His eyes widen and opens the door wider for me to come into his cabin. I nod and step inside. He shuts the door before I erupt my thoughts. 

"here it comes-" I hear him mumble, before crashing onto his bed, his hands on his chin. 

"Why won't Wilbur let me see Dream?" I semi yell, quite frustrated. He wouldn't let me check on him when they sent him things to eat or check if he needed anything. He just called it 'classified information' which ticked me off every time he repeated it.

"I don't know ask him" He grunted. I sit next to him and he readjusts his posture as I sit on the left of him.  

"But he just tells me to go away every time I try ask" I say, my arms rested in my lap. He gives me a genuine smile.

"Maybe he just doesn't want you to" He paused before clearing his throat "to fall in love with him again" He puts on a high pitches voice. I give him a stern look while he breaks out in laughter. I laugh with him eventually but his comment struck me. 

What if Wilbur thought I liked him, or worse... I loved him.... 

Well hello there again. This is fun.

Words- 1193


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