Meeting aliens

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Jack Darby POV

I was in the Autobot base when the electricity went crazy.

Me: What the heck.

Raf: Ratchet what was that.

Ratchet: What ever it was it was about close enough for the power to go out completely.

Opinions: What ever it was we must check it out.

Arcee: Tell us where to go Jack and I can handle it.

Opinions: Alright Arcee but be careful in case it's something dangerous. Ratchet open the ground bridge.

Then Arcee transform into a blue motorcycle then I hop onto her and then I put on my helmet. Then she started to drive through the portal when we got out of the portal. Then I got off and took my helmet off. Arcee transforms back to her robot form.

Arcee: Jack follow behind me quietly.

I followed her until we got to a big rock to hide behind. And we stay silent and we heard.

???1: Everyone welcome to Jasper Nevada!

???2: does anyone have the feeling we're being watched?

???1'3'&4: Yeah.

???1: Who ever you're we come in peace. My name is Jack Jag.

Jack Jag POV

Me: Who ever you're we come in peace. My name is Jack Jag.

Then a giant blue female robot and a male kid about my age comes out from behind the rock.

???1 = robot
???2 = human

???2: Hi my name Jack Darby.

???1: And I'm Arcee

Stella: My name is Stella.

Chase: I'm Chase and this is Skye.

Arcee: Why is she so small?

Jack Darby: And how can they talk?

Me: She had been shrunk by my enemy Alvin and were try to find a alien crystal to repair a size crystal. And I don't know how they can talk. But we're from another universe my job is to protect the Multiverse.

Jack Darby: So you need some energon.

Arcee: Jack can we even trust these people because energon is really powerful.

Jack Darby: I know but it's looks like they'll need are help.

Arcee: Alright but I'm against it.


Arcee: Yes. But first we'll need to find a energon deposit.

Then all of a sudden we felt the wind picked up a lot. Skye started to blow away with the wind I ran and grabbed her.

Skye: Thanks Jack

Then we look up and saw a gigantic alien warship.

Arcee: Ratchet we need a ground bridge now.

Then we saw a portal opened up right behind us.

Me: Ummm guys that not my portal.

Arcee: It's our get in there NOW!!

So we listened to her and ran into the portal we got out of the portal to see more alien and three more humans. One of them is wearing a agent suit I sense that his name is Agent Fowler.

Agent Fowler: More people saw you how many times has Optimus had told you to keep a low profile.

Me: Sorry Mr.Agent Fowler sir we almost got attack. By what exactly?

A Kid Who Discovers the Power of the Multiverse (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now