The Rescue

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Skye POV

2 hours later after I fell asleep.

I woke up by being poked by Pitcher.

Me: Okay okay I up I up (yawn) what time is it anyway.

Pitcher. It's 5:30.

Me: What!? We're going to have to wait 2 hours for the pups to get up.

Pitcher: Not we you are going to have to wait.

Then he got out of his truck and put me on the ground then he got back into his truck and drove away.

Me: I guess I'm on my own it going to be a long walk.

I looked around for the closest pup house and Chase's pup house was the closest and then I started to make my way there. Once I got close enough to see his pup house door was open and I saw him inside. I started to run to him. Then I started to call his name.

Chase POV

I was sleeping peacefully until I heard what almost sounded like Skye calling my name so I open up my eyes and stand up. I look up but I don't see Skye.

Me: Skye where are you?

Skye: Chase I'm down here at your paws.

Then I looked down at my paws and saw Skye smaller than my paws.



Me: oh sorry Skye.

Skye: That's okay.

Me: So what happened?

Skye: Alvin back he did this to me. He also got Marshall, Zuma, and Tuck. And he all of the other paw patrol members to come to try to rescue them. But if we send Jack and some of the paw patrol members we should be able to rescue them.

Me: You want me to call Ryder?

Skye: Yes he needs to know about this to.

Me: Got it.

So Skye hoped on top of my nose and then I started to call Ryder and he answered.

Ryder: Why are you up this early Chase and what is that on your nose it looks like SKYE!?

Me: Yeah Ryder that why I'm calling you. Alvin has pupnap Skye, Marshall, Zuma, and Tuck and then they sent Skye back to tell us what will happen to them if we don't rescue them.

Skye: But he's wanting to use his shrink ray on the rest of the paw patrol too!!! So he be able to get Jack's powers easier so we need to send him to help us rescue them!!!

Ryder: Okay. No rescue is too big no pup is too small Paw patrol, to the Lookout!

Skye: Chase please go slow so I won't fall off.

Me: Okay Skye.

Then I started to slow down like Skye said. Then I got to the elevator of the Lookout and I saw Everest, Ella, Rubble, and Rocky.

All the pup in the elevator: SKYE!!

Everest: What happen.

Me: No time for questions we have a job to do.

I walk into the elevator and the doors closed and the elevator started to go up. Got change into are uniforms. Once we got to the top of the Lookout we got in place and I saw Jack and Stella right beside Ryder. I sat Skye down on the floor right in front of me.

A Kid Who Discovers the Power of the Multiverse (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now