"I guess a curfew prevents us from sleeping in," I answer simply as I pull out a mini-skirt, "Or slipping out of routine..."

"Definitely, but that's boring," Diane nodded before smiling and clicking her fingers, "Wait keep that skirt! You've only gotta dress light since we're going to be in the water for most of the day."

As if she already knew the inventory of my closet Diane pulled out a white sleeveless halter top to go with the black mini skirt. She also pulled out my black and white pumps and some sandals for the poolside.

"Perfect!" Diane dusted her hands off and grinned, "We're gonna have so much fun today! Especially since we're all dating now."

"Oh right," I answer simply. I couldn't help but feel a blush rise to my face. 

I'd forgotten how receptive Diane was towards the fact that Meliodas and I said we were 'dating'. In fact I had just about forgotten about it for a while, the reality of the lie being lost in dreamland - and stalker visions. 

But now she had reminded me of it, making me even more apprehensive of going to the party today. Especially because of all the weird thoughts buzzing around in my brain. Thoughts I never knew had even existed. They had never popped up until recently.

Or maybe they were always there...

I honestly don't know.

But even if my mind wasn't on display, a lot of eyes would be on me, including Jericho and Guila's, and Diane would definitely be sure to tell the whole world about it. Either by accident or just by teasing me.

Probably teasing me.

Either way it was risk. A risk that seemed like a big issue with the stalker being around and the Deity Society's spies watching me. 

I know the Society wouldn't be too happy with news like that and I still don't know the stalker's motivation for stalking me and finding out that I'm dating someone might anger them. However he seemed friendly when I bumped into him, so perhaps he was just a concerned classmate.

But then again, I would be safer if I stick with the Sins and Holy Knights. Just in case his first appearance was deceiving. I know that the Sins as well as the Holy Knights would protect me. They would help me to feel safe around the stalker. Even if it was just one or two of them. As long as I didn't give the stalker a chance to get me alone, I'd be safe.

"Well you'd better be ready for breakfast in fifteen," Diane warned playfully, breaking my thoughts, "Or you'll miss it entirely. Apparently Captain found something when he was out yesterday, so we'd better hurry up."

"Ok I'll go as fast as I can," I say as my sleepy movements are replaced by more awake and rushed ones.

If Meliodas had found something while he was gone, then it had to give some sort of clue as to what the Sins' goal was by doing what they do. Up until now I thought they only ran a modern speakeasy of sorts, however from how Merlin, Gowther and Escanor act there had to be more to it. There had to be a reason why they all banded together.

But that wasn't my only motivation to rush to the cafeteria: whatever Meliodas found might also reveal where he was. If he was truly going back to who he was as everyone else said, then I know exactly where he went; if not then maybe some light could be shed on what the Sins were truly up to.

But there was also another thought inside my head. One that nagged at my brain as it got clearer and clearer; It felt odd without Meliodas' presence at the Boar Hat. Like something important was missing.

But maybe I was just overthinking it - or these new thoughts were beginning to take over.

The Sins seemed fine with whatever Meliodas was doing last night and I guess that was enough to know. But perhaps I was just being paranoid because I was used to him being around all of time. Like a shadow.

I Thought I Knew Youحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن