22 3 1

I have no plan but it's time to kickstart the angst

"Brock!" Brian grabbed his shoulder, turning him around. He had been walking home from school on the last day before the one week holiday.
"AH- Uh- Hi, Brian-"
"Brock, listen, I need a favor, a really big big favor." Seeing his panicked face, Brock calmed down, listening intently.
"You know how over the holidays we have to go home for the week?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Listen, I.. Can I please stay over at your house?"
That made him freak.
"N- I- Brian, why?"
"I.. I can't go back home." An emotion flickered in his face. Brock couldn't exactly place what it was, but it wasn't good.
"I can't say. Please, I actually cannot go home. I asked Evan and David, even John, but they all declined!"
"I- I can't really- Brian, just tell me why first, and I might say alright."
His face went from thoughtful to sour. "Then.. Alright." And he turned to leave.
"Wait! Wait, wait wait wait Brian! Yes, alright! You can stay over for the holidays! Provided.." Brock's eyes wandered a bit. "My ma agrees."
"Really? I can stay over?" Brian leaned in, eyes big.
"Uh- Well.. I mean.. We have a guest room. I-I get that maybe your situation at home is a bit rough, you can-"
"No! No, it's.. not really like that."
"Really?" Brock continued down the pavement home. Brian tagged along like a puppy. When he came up beside him, Brock realised he was holding Quinn.
"Hey Quinn." Smiling, Brock drew a finger over her head. She brought her head up to sniff it.
"I've decided that I'm her dad now." Brian grinned at Brock.
"That's nice."
Thankfully, Brock's mom agreed to let Brian stay. She didn't mind Quinn either, since cats were always welcome in the household.

- I think I'll actually just focus more on the arc than the crush for now, although later on, given the circumstances present, I do wanna deepen their friendship and throw in a few light funny moments hopefully

brian better get ready for the shit I have LMAO
on a serious note, though, the next few chapters will have trigger warnings. Please take care of yourself, my 10 readers
Otherwise, launching this arc will be my only chance to kickstart the entire series again. I also actually started pacing myself for once. look at that shit look how short the chapter is

(22/11 edit: removed the "but they had to pull up the rough family situation card" sentence because MAJOR plot hole)

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