guys i can explain

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I know I haven't been updating for a shit long time but PLEASE
there has been a lot going on like personal stuff and exams. a lot of stress
I also got swept up in a different fandom. which theoretically isn't supposed to do much since I wasn't really in the vanoss and friends fandom when I started this book, but it's that I'm focusing a lot more on this new fandom. its a crazy fucking world out there let me tell you guys i haven't written so much fanfic.
talking about that, I'm not sure when i can update this again. I have a lot in store if only I could scrap up the motivation. I don't know when I'll get the next chapter out too, might have to rewrite it.
crazy fuckinf world out there kids stay safe and don't cough into other peoples mouths OKAY

very sorry my 10 viewers. I have let you down. I might pick my routine back up when the dust has settled. pogchamp👍

Once again, sorry from hinta, and I *sniff* hope, y,e,,, eny,,joyed

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