" You mean I don't have beautiful eyes" He said faking a chocked expression. I couldn't do anything else than laugh at him. But then to be honest his eyes are beyond beautiful.

" Yes you're eyes isn't beautiful" Now he didn't have to fake a chocked expression and it looked so much funnier than when he fake so I couldn't hold it in anymore.

"they are gorgeous" I said starting to laugh " oh you should have seen your face!"

" Not funny, luckily you're so cute so I can't be mad at you" He said leaning forward

" I guess it's my luck" I said leaning forward into the kiss. This is a memory I will never forget

This is the most amazing date I have ever been to. And it's sooo much better than the last one I went on. This time I wont get my heart broken by some guy that was just playing with my feelings. I don't even want to think about it because then the painful memories will come back, the memories when Daniel broke my heart. To be honest after I had said yes to go on a date with Nick I got scared that it would happen again. Now when I sit here with him I can't even understand why I got so scared, he's nothing like Daniel. He is sweet, honest, thoughtful and a so so so much better kisser. Kissing Daniel was like kissing a dog, I was wet by saliva around my mouth. But kissing Nick is magical you know fireworks and all that.

I was lost in my thoughts but got back to reality when Nick called my name

" Elena are you okay?"

" Sorry I got lost in my thoughts"

" What were you thinking about?"

" Oh nothing special, just girl stuff"

" Did some of those girl stuff have to do with your ex boyfriend Daniel?"

I looked at him how did he know about Daniel? The ones who only knew about him was Sarah and Sofie but they would never tell him, right? Why do i talk to myself, just ask him who told him!

" How do you know about that?" I asked and right when he was going to tell me big rob comes looking very serious.

" We have to go right now, the paparazzi have found us" He said looking at Nick and me.

" Damn it, I'm really sorry Elena this was not what I had planed"

" There's no time for excuses we have to go NOW" Big Rob said and we got up and went to the kitchen

" Wait the door is that way" I said

" We have to take the back door there is to many paparazzi outside the front door" Big Rob said

Nick took my hand and it calmed me down, but I still want to know who told him about Daniel. We got to the back door and outside the car was waiting for us and we got in and drove away, before the paparatzzi noticed.

On the way back home Nick and I didn't say anything to each other. We walked up to the front door and when I was reaching for the door nob Nick grabbed my arm and turned me around so we were face to face.

"It was Sarah who told me about Daniel" he said looking me in the eyes before he continued. She told me because she was afraid that I would do the same thing that Daniel did. She though it would be a good idea to go on a date so we could get to know each other better"

" So you asked me out because Sarah told you to do it!?" I said looking for some reaction that says ofc not. I saw it but not that power full that I wanted.

" No I asked you out because I really like you and I wanted to have some time alone with you"

" Okay so it was just a coincident that you asked after Sarah had talked to you"

" Yeah I didn't planed to ask you out today before Sarah talked to me, but that dosen't mean I didn't wanted to"

" Okay, then I guess your plane of a date was watching a movie and then go back home, because then the paps wouldn't have seen us"

" what are you talking about?" He asked confused

" You know what I mean, we went out the back door because you didn't want the paps to see us, because you don't want anyone to know that you have a girlfriend" I said and I knew that I had gone to far but I couldn't help it, I'm so mad right now!

" No that's not true and you know it!, We went out the back door because it was dangerous to go out the front door,  there all the paps were, Elena stop were are you going?"

I had started to walk towards the guest house, I didn't wanted to listen anymore I need some time to calm down because I was really frustrate right now.

" To the guest house I need some time alone to think"

Mixed feelings started to grow in my stomach anger and disappointment. I know I should be mad at Sarah too, but I can't. She did it because she cares about me and don't want me to get hurt again. But I know Nick wouldn't hurt me maybe I overreacted.


I hope you guys liked the chapter! :)

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