Chapter Twenty-Seven: Surprise

Start from the beginning


Homeland Security Headquarters

Although he wasn't enamoured with the idea upon reaching HQ Al had ushered Jay into the long room down the hall from the offices which housed several  army style cots for when people were pulling long shifts and unable to travel home for some rest.

"You need some meds?"
"Nah," Jay walked over to the closest bunk bed and sank down onto the thin mattress hoping his headache would disappear after a short rest, "Antonio, Kevin and Burke could have been hurt out there."
"Comes with the territory," Al commented, glad they were the only occupants of the room, "you need anything?"
"I'm good thanks."
"It's not your fault you know?"
"Philip being killed."
"Never thought it was," Jay refuted as he stifled a yawn.
"Just wanted to be sure," Al eyed the other man thoughtfully, "at least we have one less suspect to catch."
"We don't know Lyle isn't working with someone else," Jay knuckled his eyes
"We can talk about it later," Al decided and headed for the door with a backward glance, "Voight doesn't want to see you for a few hours Kid.  I'll wake you if anything comes up."
"Thanks Al."

Once alone Jay tiredly toed his black combat boots off and slipped under the well worn sheet and light blanket without undressing.  Lying on his back looking up at the ceiling he recalled the facial features forever frozen in deaths' embrace.  There was a fury behind the act of glueing the lips together. The rage this time however wasn't apparant on the surface.  When he had initially shared his theory about twins they had come to the conclusion they had different personalities.  They had come to believe one sibling was calm and controlled and the other vicious without restraint.  Jay had reasoned Lyle was the driving force behind the attacks which belied a calculated level of planning.  That led to the conclusion that Philip was the one who had been volatile and the one responsible for his brutal attack in captivity.   That reasoning however had been tempered with the knowledge that Philip seemed to have been a restraining force on his brother as they grew up.  That was at odds with the brutality experienced by Jay.   Turning onto his injured side carefully the Detective closed his eyes and willed the darkness to give him some respite.


As Jay was trying to get some well earned rest the Intelligence Unit and Burke were in the Conference Room along with the other Agents involved in the investigation.  Murphy had brought everyone up to speed on the mornings' events.

"Do we know for sure Philip is the DB? FBI Agent Jefferson queried, pen poised over notebook.
"The ME has confirmed it," Murphy replied, "the only outward injury was to the mouth.  The ME confirmed there was no scar on the eyelid which we know defines Lyles' identity."
"So why kill Philip and leave him in the garden for Jay to find?" Antonio like everyone else sought answers to the unexpected events of the morning.
"He couldn't have known Jay would find him," Kevin put in.
"He'd expect Jay to be proactive," Parker argued as he looked up from his ever expanding notes, "so he knew it was highly likely Jay would find his brother."
"But why kill Philip?"
"Maybe he had served his purpose," Murphy opined.
"We'll know more about Philips' cause of death once the MEs' Report is to hand but given what we do know now there's still no definitive proof of who brutally attacked Halstead in the shipping container," Voight raised the topic which baffled them the most.
"So are we saying it may have been Lyle who attacked Jay so viciously that time?" Antonio voiced his query with a frown.
"We can't say for certain," the Psychologist fielded the question thoughtfully, he was beginning to wonder if they would ever understand the Kings.
"We knew there was a possibility Lyle had done it " Adam reminded, "even though Jay thought something was different at the time."
"He still can't remember what it was that hinted there might be a twin," Al decided to head that query off and save his young friend from unnecessary questioning.
"This is one confusing case," Kevin shook his head in disgust.
"I have to admit I've never come across a killer like Lyle," the experienced Jefferson admitted honestly.
"Me either," Murphy added, "the question is why set it up at all?  He clearly had no intention of getting up close and personal with Halstead ....,"
"Agreed," Voight concurred from his place by the window, "he had the van rigged to explode to ensure his getaway "We were damn lucky it was a minor blast," Kevin put in.
"Definitely," Burke spoke up, "the damage was contained to the driveway and he set it off before we reached the entrance."
"So?" Antonio looked around the room hopefully referring to the Assistant Directors' prudent question, "anyone have any ideas?"
"He was sending a message," a new voice entered the conversation and everyone turned to the doorway where Jay stood.
"What message?" Adam asked, deciding not to chastise his friend there and then for being up and about when he obviously needed rest.
"He's ready for the end game," Jay advanced into the room, aware of all eyes being on him as he sat down beside Adam wearily, "I think Philip was the one who was ill and .....,"
"Why would you come to that conclusion?" Parker was puzzled.
"I'm guessing the mouth ...... injury was inflicted post mortem.  They were twins and that bond alone would be very difficult to break.  They were still together which confirmed the relationship was in tact."
"That's not a guess," Murphy noted perceptively, "that's an opinion based on ..... what?"
"Logic," Jay shrugged, "the ME can confirm Philip was ill."
"So you're saying Lyle was the one who methodically tortured and brutally assaulted you in the shipping container?" Jefferson wasn't sure he went along with the reasoning.
"Not sure ....,"
"But you ....,"
"Jefferson until we get the MEs' Report there's no point in debating the matter," Voight stated sending a cool look to the FBI Agent, they were going around in circles and his Detective did not need any more pressure.
"Sergeant Voight's right," Murphy concurred rising purposefully his feet, "we reconvene back here at 16:30.  I've been assured the ME will have furnished his findings by then."


Voight had indicated the Unit and Burke should remain behind as everyone else filed out.  For his part Jay understood Jeffersons' scepticism.  Whereas he had hedged by saying he was basing his judgement on logic the truth was although some logic led to his belief it was his instincts which spurred him to rejoin the investigation team and appraise them of what he believed had transpired.

"You look like hell," Adam muttered softly to the man beside him, "did you get any rest?"
"No, I tried ....," Jay defended.
"I'm not mad at you man I'm just worried "
"When this is over I'm going to sleep for a week."
"I'll believe it when it happens!" Adam scoffed.
"So any ideas on Lyle?" Al asked as he joined the pair.
"Like?" Jay asked innocently.
"Kid you're too tired for games," the older man admonished with mock chagrin, "whatcha got in mind?"

Jay looked at his friend then his gaze wandered around those left in the nearly empty Conference Room.  He should have known Al would be able to read him.  He did have an idea but it was not finessed.  Deciding he had nothing to lose at this point he took a deep breath before getting everyones' attention .....


DB - Dead Body
ME - Medical Examiner

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