Chapter 22: Long Story Short

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They ended up on a bridge and Harlow couldn't fathom the amount of fire that surrounded them. Damien placed his hand on the door at the end of the bridge and it opened with a loud groan. He led them in and Harlow couldn't wrangle in the gasp that left her.

It looked like they were in the fanciest French resort ever imagined. The décor was high class, while the backdrop and scenery outside was breathtaking. "How is this Hell?" Harlow whispered to Damien who chuckled. "I told you not to believe the hype."

They walked along an expansive corridor and Harlow couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. All of a sudden shadow after shadow began to pop up. "Don't worry about them. They're just eager to see their new Princess." Damien stroked her hand before kissing it.

Cerberus had reformed and walked noisy behind them. Harlow couldn't help but look back at him and blow a kiss. They finally came to a glass door, which Damien placed his hand on before it opened. This area was nicer than the last. Everything looked expensive and Harlow immediately knew where Damien got his tastes from.

Damien walked them into a type of waiting area that was all black and lace. Damien motioned her to sit, but Harlow didn't have it in her to be still. "Breathe, dove. Come here." Harlow let out a breath before taking a seat on his lap. It seemed like they had waited for hours before a door in the corner opened.

They stood up and Harlow didn't know what to expect. She couldn't describe how she felt when she saw him. The energy around him was dark and powerful, but she took note that she could feel Ayla and she was surprisingly overjoyed.

He was tall and muscular with a white and gray beard and a head full of salt and pepper hair. She knew immediately that he was the Devil, but more importantly that he was Damien's father. The features were strikingly identical. He moved with a regal air about him that the most prominent of kings wished for.

Harlow was so enamored by Lucifer that she didn't see the large red demon that walked in behind him. Kali gasped inside her head snapping Harlow out of it. Her eyes landed on the large demon and immediately teared up.

She hated herself and the emotions that were building within. She breathed through them before sensing Abaddon. Harlow blinked away her tears before squeezing Damien's hand. "Father." Damien said coolly. "Son."

Harlow couldn't take her eyes off of her father long enough to pay attention to the tension and stressed banter between her mate and the Prince of Darkness. "Harlow." She took her eyes off of her father long enough to see Lucifer staring at her with obvious disdain.

"Lucifer." She responded with a sweet smile. It seemed to catch him off guard, but he recovered. "I'm sure my son has told you what this visit is about." Harlow shook her head before looking at her father. "I came here to speak with my father. You just added unnecessary stipulations."

Damien wasn't sure where this confidence and boldness was coming from, but he was getting turned on by the second. There were many things Harlow could do to arouse him, but standing toe to toe with his father was a major one. "Watch your tone."

Harlow's glare was on her father with a quickness. "You don't get to tell me what to do, Beelzebub. You lost that privilege the day you left me and my mother." Beelzebub watched as her eyes flicked from a rich brown that were identical to his late mate to pitch black that were identical to his. He was torn between feeling proud and guilty.

"You can have your reunion AFTER you go through the tests." Lucifer spoke up, but Harlow stood her ground. "I will be speaking with my father first and foremost before completing your little tests." Wes could tell Satan was getting perturbed and it tickled him. He was proud of his mate for not backing down or taking any shit. Lucifer looked like he wanted to argue, but Harlow served a glare so fierce it almost had him backing down. Almost.

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