Chapter 5: Won't Bite

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"There he is," Curtis said happily. "Guys, this is your boss, James Watkins." Harlow turned around to see a ruggedly handsome man. His full, thick brown hair held subtle natural highlights, while his full beard framed a cupid's bow mouth. His eyes are what had her though. They were a gray color that had yet to be discovered, she was sure. "James, this is Declan and Harlow." Curtis said chipperly. James stared at Harlow with an interest that seemed flattering, but soon became unnerving as time went on.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Declan said snapping him out of his staring. James stared at him with an annoyed look that they all caught. "No one likes a kiss ass." James grunted before turning his gaze back to Harlow. She glared at him in a way she hoped illustrated that his rudeness would not be tolerated. "They will be assisting on the Halo project." Curtis said trying to deter the growing tension.

"Are they good enough?" James said condescendingly never taking his eyes off of Harlow. "Our coding skills can speak for themselves," Harlow responded still rocking an irritated glare. James gave her a random smirk before looking at the rest of his team. "The Halo project is quite important and I need four total developers on it," he announced. "Since Curtis thinks so highly of you two, I guess you're on the team. Manuel and Killian, you two are also on the team."

Harlow couldn't help but smile as her new team were made up of people she actually felt she'd like and work well with. "Killian, show these two to their desks." Curtis said still smiling. "Right this way," he said leading them to the right where two computers were setup. The layout was insane to Harlow and so extravagant and expensive looking. She had never felt more broke in her life. She took the seat closest to the open floor, while Declan sat right next to her and near the window.

"You two will spend the morning getting set up and then shadowing until your luncheon with the powers that be." James said in an almost spiteful tone. "Declan, you're with Liam. Harlow, you're with me." Her eyes widened as she subtly looked at the other guys. They all sported indifferent expressions except for Liam. He looked somewhat worried and she didn't understand why. Harlow did know that she didn't like James. He seemed like a predator and she was no one's prey.

"I'll swing by to get you around 11," James said and the smile he gave her did nothing but irritate her more. "Come on," Declan said with a smile as he took his seat. They spent the next two hours setting up their emails, work accounts and server IDs. Declan could tell Harlow was skeeved out by their new boss and told her as much. He wasn't shocked that she not only agreed with his assessment, but doubled down in making it a point to ensure James knew it as well.

"I don't want anything to happen to you," Declan whispered as they finished up. "Nothing will." Harlow said confidently. "I'll be polite and cordial, but I'm not going to be anyone's plaything simply because I'm a woman in this field. I've worked too hard to get to a company like Draven, Inc. and I'm not letting anyone get in the way of my success." Declan nodded in pride at the finality in her tone. He was going to say something, but they were interrupted. "Time to shadow," Liam said with a smile as he addressed Declan. "James is ready for you, Harlow."

There was that expression again. She wanted to ask him about it, but it was gone as quickly as it came. Harlow grabbed one of the notebooks she was given with a pen and headed to James' office. She knocked and entered once admitted. She couldn't help but take in the décor and size of the office. It was beautiful and well decorated. She noticed he wasn't sitting behind his desk, but rather on a sofa in the corner with his laptop. She made her way over and made sure to sit a good distance away, but still had the ability to see his screen.

"You can come closer, Harlow. I won't bite." She tried to fight it but the eye roll happened on its own accord. "I'm good here, thanks." She wanted to laugh at the expression he wore. It was obvious James was a man that wasn't keen on getting rejected or hearing the word no. "What are you working on?" Harlow asked trying to steer the meeting.

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