The girl smirked at him, pulling the edges of the jacket closer together and putting her hands in the pockets.

"What do you even mean? This is my jacket."

Tommy stared at her, fear fading into annoyance.

"Are you for real right now?"

The girl didn't reply, only shrugged.

"Okay I could get you fired, you know." Tommy raised his voice. "If Wilbur finds out about you breaking into my room and taking my jacket you could get fired."

Technically that was a lie. 

Tommy didn't know what terms Wilbur and him were on right now.

The girl rolled her eyes.

"You're the one trying to take my jacket."

Tommy gaped at her.


Tommy pointed to the butterfly, taking a step closer.

"Is my butterfly badge. And those stars," 

Tommy pointed to the five-star patches taking another step closer.

"Are my ranking patches. And that smile on the sleeve?"

Tommy pointed to the smile, practically standing in front of the chef at this point.

"My brother sewed that on for me."

The girl's face blanched at his words, and Tommy couldn't help but feel a wave of satisfaction. 

"Who?" She asked shakily. "Wilbur?"

Tommy blinked, before rapidly shaking his head.

"What? Oh no, no my... adoptive brother. Someone, like... it's hard to explain-" 

Tommy cut himself off before he said something he regretted with a sigh.

"Just give me back my jacket."

The girl took one long look at the smile on the sleeve of the jacket, before taking a deep breath and taking it off in one go. She threw it at Tommy, who caught it with one hand, still watching her.

"I knew it. Take your fucking jacket."

 Her voice was cold and dripping with hatred. 

"I don't want it anyway."

Tommy smirked, putting on the jacket.

"Yeah. That's right. My jacket."

Tommy looked down at himself as he put his jacket properly on, but when he looked back up at the chef, his smirk dropped.

She looked like she was about to cry.

"Wait, wait wait are you crying?"

She glared, looking away from him and rubbing her eyes. 

Tommy tried to apologize.

"I'm sorry that was harsh of me, I'm really sorry-"

She cut him off.

"It's whatever."

It was silent for a second, and Tommy took a step closer to her.

"No, I shouldn't have shouted. I just missed my brother and took the anger out on you. I'm so-"

She cut him off again, on the edge of hysterics.

Her fingers tightened into fists.

"I'm not upset you hurt my feelings. You're good. You can stop."

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