Weighing Grudges 006

Start from the beginning

Heroism is something they can't change for me though. Being a hero to silently spite them is reason enough for me, but helping others is what really motivates me... despite that.

I don't hate my parents, I just hate that I was conceived to them.

And the video ends, leaving the room in a stunned silence. Ponytail looks so embarrassed, uncomfortably looking down at her lap and twisting her fingers in all kinds of awkward mannerisms. Katsuki once again feels like... like he knows Ponytail better now. Once again stranded on this fireproof mental bridge, something he can't light up so quickly like he had done toe everything else. But it's weirder because he knows her.

Whatever issues he has doesn't directly replicate hers, but fuck it... it feels close.

'Wow,' Sparky comments.

Ayako gives a long stupid speech about personal topics and says that respect is needed, and some things don't need to leave the room and can stay inside the class. There's more conversation for a while and the class is back to talking, although Ponytail's motives hang in the air. Some girls switch seats silently to stay closer to Ponytail.

The next video starts.

Steely's reasons seem to remain in the shadow of Ponytail's, his motive was just that the workout felt good. He wanted to put his muscles to good use and thought heroism was the best way to do it. Completely eclipsed by Ponytail.

But then IcyHot comes back and Katsuki knows whatever he shows will cast an even darker shadow.

As IcyHot's video starts, Katsuki sees Deku's Adam's Apple click. Deku closes his eyes worriedly, not wanting to look at the screen but opens his eyes at the sudden noise. Realizing he couldn't bear the mystery of auditory darkness for too long.

Hands are on the floor, a rough hacking and the mist of fire floating from around. Tears corrupt his vision, a six year old IcyHot, crouched above the ground and sobbing so hard he can't breathe. A gag, a guttural cough, then so much vomit it forces out his mouth and nose. And all his dad does is watch, arms crossed, expecting, maybe a little disgusted.

'He's just a child,' a weak woman standing at the door, his mother. Her hair is a snowy white, and her eyes are an overcast grey. She takes in the scene docilely, all from a distance.

An argument shakes up so fast at her statement, words can't be picked up but tones can. IcyHot's pathetic excuse of a father marches away from him, IcyHot still trembling on the ground, choking on bile, a mess of snotty crying. Drool leaking from his messed up mouth, fingers curled up stiffly, vomit oozing between the gaps of his fingers, spit stringing on his shirt and tears. So many tears.

'HE'S GOING TO BE A HERO,' a sharp voice cuts through the static of a verbal fight, as though leaning to physical. The woman obviously balks, backing away. She doesn't say anything, and parting footsteps are all that resound. The argument is over. Somehow it felt like it would end like that.

Then Endeavour marches back, IcyHot facing the ground in what looks like feeble defiance. Then Endeavour's fist clenches around the back of his shirt, pulling him up. The collar strangling him, he screams, and then the shirt bursts into flames, IcyHot screeches, Endeavour's saying something but it doesn't reach the speakers. The thumping of a wild heart plays, and IcyHot's kicking at air, 'NO! NO! NOOO! I WANT TO GO WITH MOM! NO! NO!'

His screams are unanswered.

'Work kid, then you can go see your mom,' his voice softens but doesn't lose that cruel edge, 'Kay? Work. You're gonna be a hero. If not for me, then for your mom.'

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