˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚In the following time he took his life - 1.0

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Death stalks upon every living being that has a heart that grasps life, even if it trickles in the smallest doses, death is a movement. A force, a current of anti-energy, one that Tokoyami had felt the night that Bakugou had died. He had always guessed it would be Aoyama to go, or maybe Jirou, or even Koda. Aoyama wasn't the most courageous, and the other two weren't the most fitted for combat.

Call him morbid for thinking so, but sometimes he even worried that Midoriya would die as well. He was just so... ready to push himself into the force of anything to save anybody, it was concerning. So Tokoyami also respected him, admired him, and often thought to himself quietly, although he'd never tell anybody: what would Midoriya do?

It was never what would Bakugou do, because Bakugou seemed to be more indestructible. Inhumane in the sense that it looked like he lacked faults, lacked feelings. What pulled Midoriya to Bakugou was probably curiosity that would drain away once that realization filtered in. So of course, Tokoyami couldn't relate to him. Even as he was rescued from the villain, he never saw the blond break down. Even though he so obviously set the period mark in All Might's long, bountiful career, there seemed to be no remorse on him, sure he was quiet for a while, but he was also pissed. More irritated than ever, perhaps making up for the short hours he was gone and couldn't scream at everybody.

How could somebody have so much anger packed into them? The sight had mystified Tokoyami at the sports festival, Bakugou was more animal than he! Which was insane, really.

So all he could do was stare, worry in what the boy would do if he managed to run away from the chains. The only thing Tokoyami felt protected by in the aggressive show that played in front of him, he hadn't blamed the heroes. There was so much ferocity burning at Bakugou's face that Tokoyami just couldn't. He couldn't bring himself to see the scene as wrong, because Bakugou would hurt him. Bakugou might even just lash out on the heroes! And that wouldn't be good for him or U.A as a whole.

That's how Tokoyami had stumbled upon the idea that the heroes had done that to save the violent boy from himself. Because Bakugou's only flaw was his brash attitude, that alone was what could expel any other traits that he donned. To see him not get expelled in that year shocked Tokoyami, wasn't Aizawa this huge, balking teacher who tried to inhibit anything that was slightly unheroic? What could he see in a boy that had to be chained up like a wild animal on national TV because he was so violent?

And after the villain rescue, he threatened to expel everybody except Tsuyu and Bakugou. Bakugou. Bakugou was the one that wouldn't be expelled.

The irony was a lot, but Tokoyami didn't let that fiery ire take over him.

It wasn't worth it.

Bakugou wasn't worth it.

But he never hated Bakugou, just saw his actions for what they were on the surface. The most he did was get out of his way, no shot talk, nothing. Just noticed things from time to time, like any other human being.


Then Tokoyami had been browsing the internet, he happened upon a petition. The letters of it made him a squawk a little, it may have even rustled his feathers. Eyes wide, he looked at the screen with furrowed brows above squinted eyes.

Written there, "Petition to kick Katsuki Bakugou out of U.A for good!"

The description was at a moderate size, and curiosity overtook Tokoyami. His birdy eyes turned to read it, soaking in every single word:

"A kid who needs to be restrained to save others, is not a kid who can save others. We have seen time and time again at such a short period of time, even in interviews where he denied to be a boy's friend, ON TELEVISION--probably shaming this kid, who is Endeavour's last born and takes after him, publicly, that this boy is incapable of being a hero. Katsuki Bakugou needs to get over himself, but even then he wouldn't be fit to be a hero. He's an animal. He hit that girl without a tear, nothing, not even sorry, nor did he even soften. He hit Ochako Uraraka and knocked her unconscious, probably rendering a mild concussion in doing so! We've not even heard from the victim of his anger since. U.A needs to get RID OF HIM!

"Say I'm being cruel on a 16 year old, but do you really entrust your life to him? DO YOU TRUST HIM TO BE THERE FOR YOU AT YOUR LAST MOMENTS WHEN YOU'RE IN MATCH WITH A VILLAIN? OR DO YOU THINK HE'LL LAUGH AT YOU AND PUSH YOU IN THAT MONSTER'S GRASP AND WALK AWAY, SAYING HE DID EVERYTHING HE COULD WHEN HE DIDN'T. WHEN HE CAUSED IT. Please sign this petition if you value the future of hero society."

There's already five million yen poured into this concoction, bleary eyed from staring at a screen all of a sudden, there's a deep regret yanking at his stomach. A short breath is pulled in by his hawkish beak. Then he reaches out to close to laptop, Tokoyami quietly saves himself from anymore thoughts that have to do with the loud explosive blond.

Who is he to comment on other peoples' lives?

Nothing. To Bakugou he is truly irrelevant, sometimes it feels like that boy is untouchable. Unpunished yet owning this raw anger that courses through him. What would Tokoyami feel like if he had a petition pushed against him?

Suddenly, his laptop is back open, his fingers tick against the keyboard as he inputs curious searches.

"petition to kick Tokoyami out of U.A".

He doesn't find anything. Just small articles fawning over him or the same link to the petition asking to kick Bakugou out, or even more articles pertaining to discussed petition.

Soon, Tokoyami's sifting through everything.

There's not even one for Mineta. Although there are some harshly worded articles, there isn't a petition.

The only person here with a petition is Bakugou.

Katsuki Bakugou.

It's like a cringe slithers down Tokoyami's covered neck, he lolls his head back and just exhales.

Taking everything in.


Then Bakugou killed himself.

Tokoyami tried to relate it with the petition, and realized maybe the boy isn't as untouchable as Tokoyami once thought.

With a gentle ripping of envelope, the letter was pulled out. It was thin like tissue but firm like  cardboard, the paper was surely premeditated. It even looked a little aged, mystified to what Tokoyami would like. It even reminded him a little of the pages in his locked, edgy journal. Surely that was intentional.


Don't know what to fucking tell you I guess, you're OK.

Just start lamenting edgy shit about my death or I'll send whatever darkness you worship to take their wrath on you.

We didn't really talk that much, but I still wanted to personify this letter.

I made it in weak pencil so you can erase the words and use the paper if you want.

You should also work on Dark Shadow's resistance to light a little more, you were weak at the sports festival.


Quiet, it was what Tokoyami expected. Maybe not the paper as a gift, because he'd never accept it. Not like this anyways.

With wide, distraught eyes, he finally closed them. Letting sleep congratulate him for making it past this utterly dreary day which was definitely an awakening.

Words: 1234!!!

A/N: Need to upload book more. No can upload book cause head rotten meat. Rotten meat yummy to jackals. Getting lost. Oh no.



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