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🔊 help•less


1. Unable to be helped: helpless.

Example: the situation was helpless, it was going to come down to that anyways.

2. Defenceless, unable to protect oneself.

3. Uncontrollable, dependent, or incapable (offensive).

'Th-the d-d-d-d-doctor said I was quirkless.'

Eh? Then why were his eyes always so bright if he was destined to be the hero he promised? Brightness interlacing with a lustre of pure prospection and heroic soul that Katsuki can't stand. With a green so vivid it was reminiscent of a radiant lime. Katsuki doesn't understand how a person like Deku can be quirkless, as the golden sunlight filters from the outstretched branches above them. Deku's head remains downcast, those unkempt forest green locks falling around his face.

'Really?' It wasn't just curious, Katsuki had been told and reminded the worth of quirkless people several times by others, so there was also thick disbelief woven into his words. He watched Deku's head bob to a yes, heard the nervous breath being sucked in by his mouth.

'Y-...Yeah,' His head switched up, his freckled face soaked in tears. 'B-b-but I'll still be a hero and fight beside you, Kacchan!'

'No,' it's a harrowing word by itself, because Deku looks over the boy in front of him with tears fringing his eyes, hoping what he heard wasn't true. Katsuki didn't care if he was hurt by it, 'stop lying to yourself, you're quirkless.'

Deku's jaw hangs open, and Katsuki really wonders if a fly might find sanctuary on his tongue. But then a raspy sob leaks out from his throat, a thrust of tears begin their mission down his face. He doesn't even wipe it off, he just stares wide eyed at the blond in front of him, and now those lustrous green eyes don't look like lime in this shade, instead cladding themselves in beryl.

'I- I can still - st-still b-b-b-b-bec-bec- become a - a...' Katsuki stares at Deku unblinkingly, hands frozen at his sides. Turns out he doesn't know how to comfort the trembling boy like this. Why is he crying anyways? It was true, 'a-a he-hero!'

'You're quirkless, Deku.'

A distressed wail chokes out of his throat, his face is a burning red with shame. Katsuki would be really ashamed too.

If he was quirkless, he wouldn't have even left the house in the first place. But he doesn't want to search himself to find pity for Deku, pity is already a patronizing item. It would be better like this anyways.

Snot oozes over his lip, and his face is a mess of emotions. 'B-B-bu.. but...'

'You can still follow me around if you want,' Katsuki tries to ease the greenette in front of him a little.

'S-s-su-sure, b-but,' he heaves in a breath, gaze aligned with Katsuki's own, 'I-I- I- w-w-wan-want t-t-to b-b-be a- a he-ro.'

The words are so crooked and lost in his own tears, that Katsuki takes a moment to think about them, but his response is the same cold, 'No.'

The tears pause, and there's this hurt expression that pauses on Deku's wet face. Then his eyes squeeze close, more salty water brews, and his lips tremble, snot oozes, a distressed noise garbles, Katsuki walks away, and the sounds, sights, and feelings worsen for the mossy haired boy.


The next day, Deku had come to the playground in a different mood. Not with the sulking face and sullen attitude Katsuki had prepared for, instead, his eyes looked determined. Ready, as if waiting to prove something. The blond didn't know how to feel about that, he dissed him a little but all Deku did was whine about that in response. And not even seriously, it was obviously to invoke laughter.

Whatever. No need to be mad about Deku being happy, it was dumb.

The air was warm and fresh, the sounds of brewing water playing underneath the log where Katsuki marched, leading the group of children who hadn't a qualm about following such a strong, vibrant kid like him! Midoriya had trouble keeping up and had lost his place behind Katsuki and got trampled into last. Watching them with wide, seeing eyes. He turned his head to make sure he hadn't completely gotten lost as he chants about his future agency when—

He missteps, and his breath instantly caught in his throat. Gravity takes over and trying to stabilize only pushed him more, plummeting into a river. Hair doused in the mucky water, he bobs his head over as casual confirmation of being alright. And the kids stare down at him with curiosity, but he smiles reassuringly. 'I'm -...'

Then he meets Deku. Hand outstretched, and a look on his face that can't be anything other than smug. 'Are you alright Kacchan?' He says in a voice full of honey that's so obviously pretend, it feels like salt being poured into a raw wound that he could have handled himself.

A quirkless follower like him can't make him look like this... Katsuki will never stoop low enough to accept help from Izuku. With those profound eyes, there's not a second of reluctance as he smacks his hands away. The giggles of the boys above seems to halt, and Katsuki's cheeks are burning with anger and shame.

'What's wrong with you?'


Making Katsuki feel so helpless for no reason.

And that wasn't the last time he pulled shit like that.

Words: 930

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