Chapter Six

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Violet awoke but kept her eyes shut. The sun was streaming through her windows and hitting her face, warming her skin but also near blinding her. She stretched and moaned as her body had been tense during sleep. Her mind felt light, her bod rejuvenated as if she had slept for a week.

With a soft sigh she rolled over and cuddled one of the extra pillows on her bed, burring her face into the cold sheets.

She did not want to get up and start her day. She couldn't even recall what had happened between her and mr. Tall dark and handsome but it was safe to assume he had worn her out.

In fact she couldn't recall driving to his place or home for that matter. With that thought in mind she opened her eyes and her breath froze in her throat. Her surroundings weren't hers. This was not her home.

Slowly she raised herself up and sat back in shock. The shock didn't come from the fact that she was not in her own room, well maybe a little, but it came from the fact that the room was decorated like a medieval fairy. Four Large twisted stone pillars were placed around the room, branches sprouting leaves and small pink and white flowers curled around the pillars stretching up and across the ceiling to the walls as well as down to the floor. The branches did not cover the floor but they grew out away from the pillars just enough as if reaching to go further. The arch around the large wooden door was made of thick vines, leaves and flowers. The circular room had two windows both of which held beautiful pink, green, white and blue stained glass windows that held images of butterfly wings.

The bed she was laying in was also made of twisiting vines traveled up to create a canopy draped in sheer pinks and white silks, the bed was not as soft and as comfortable as her own but it wasn't exactly uncomfortable either. The small tables on either side of the bed matched the bed and it was not until she glanced over at the second window that seemed to face the sun directly that she found a mannequin wearing a long blue sheer gown with long hanging sleeves. The mannequin wore a thin golden leafed crown and hand a pair of thin slippers near the hem.

Violet could feel a panic attack coming on. Her heart suddenly seemed to thump loudly and hard against her chest and into her throat. She struggled to get oxygen into her lungs and clenched the plush blanket beneath her. Closing her eyes she forced herself to breath deep and focused on the sweet smell of jasmine that permitted the room.

The soft sound of clicking could be heard from behind the door. She wanted to feign sleeping but she couldn't.

Something scratched at the door before it was slowly pushed open. Two figures emerged and only one of them came bounding towards her.

Violet reached out just as bear barreled his way up onto the bed and into her arms with warm slobbery kisses. She sunk her hands deep into his white fur and kiss his floppy ears. The attack subsided as she held him close. The she realized once more that she was in a strange place and yet here was her dog.

Pulling back from Bear she glanced across the room and caught sight of the second figure who had entered the room but had stayed back agaisnt the vine covered wall. Ciaran stared at her seeming cautious, as if afraid to spook her, which was to little to late.

She was completely and utterly spooked.

She wet her lips and realized just how much she needed a drink of water. He must have noticed and suddenly he was standing beside her holding out a silver goblet.

The man didn't say a word simply held out the cup and nodded at her which was for his best interest because suddenly she was feeling slightly terrified and even more pissed off than anything.

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