Chapter Two

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She was freezing. The frigid air took her breath away as she hugged her grey Parker tighter around her body. Snowflakes were swirling in large gusts of wind and sticking to the ground. The weatherman said they were predicted to get another five inches of snow overnight.

As the sun just settled on the horizon, dipping down further beneath the tips of the forests trees, the air chilled even more.

Violet Dane sniffled and rushed across the street from her parked car and prayed she didn't slip on ice.

Thankfully she didn't.

Stepping into the warm coffee shop, Java Joes, she flecked her fingers attempting to bring them back to life. Normally she wouldn't have braved the cold weather, she could be enjoying the few hours she had left until she had to go in to work tonight, instead she was meeting with her soon to be, on and off again, ex boyfriend Jason.

They had been playing the dating game since the beginning of their senior year of highschool which was roughly five years ago. They would date a few months and break up for about a year, and then they would reconcile and do it all again.

She could outright admit that there were no feelings of love between them and she knew that he was aware of it as well and they were just dragging each other around at this point. She was over it and needed to officially and finally move on.

No more going back to each other. They needed to be done.

Glancing to her left, she spotted him. Sitting at their usual table in front of the large dark wood picture window. With his dark blonde short faded hair and lightly toned body dressed in a pair of casual jeans and red polo shirt, he was attractive and she never had problems being attracted to him, it just had not fallen deeper than that.
He had hung his dark blue jacket on the back of the chair, a medium to go cup of coffee sat on the table in front of him.

He glanced up at her and gave a tentative smile.

Violet nodded at him, giving him the best casual smile she could muster before heading to the back of the small line waiting to order. Christmas decorations hung along the walls and counter space. Two weeks left until the holiday and all around town it was like Christmas had thrown up everywhere. She didn't hate Christmas, but she wasn't entirely fond of it either. Actually, she didn't really care for any of the holidays. They only served as a reminder of the family she no longer had. Her parents had divorced when she was little, and Violet was always going back and forth between them until one day she wasn't. Her father had quit taking her and it wasn't until she was sixteen and had just gotten her drivers license that she went to go see him only to find out he had created a new family and had completely disregarded his old one.

Her mother drank herself to death two years ago leaving Violet alone and lost.

The holidays were supposed to be when families came together and they sat around laughing, watching movies, opening presents and cooking. Those were not her holidays and she hated the reminder.

When it was finally her turn she gave David, her favorite barista and friend, her order. They had been friends since high school, another local just like herself who had stayed local after graduating. David was tall and lanky, copper colored skin and short black hair. Where as Violet wasn't looking to leave, David was. He worked as many shifts as he could to save up for his ticket out of here. He had been accepted into a big wig school a few states away. She was going to miss him but he was moving on to big and better things.

"What are you doing back here so soon V? You've already been in here twice today." He said as he moved behind the counter to make her favorite peppermint mocha.

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