Chapter Five

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Ciaran eyed the man who gazed at violet with a sense of parenting protectiveness. He stood tall and firm and could certainly put up a good defense agaisnt the other humans but he would not stand a chance against himself and with the kind and comforting look Violet was sending the man, Ciaran thought it best not to physically remove the man.

A light touch on his back nearly brought him to his knees. She did not know him well enough and yet this female was offering him comforter and attempting to calm him.

He looked back at her, inclining his head with a perplexed stare.

"Be careful" the man told Violet before shooting Ciaran a killing look. He didn't turn and walk away, in fact he stood still as stone, watching and waiting.

Ciaran nodded at the man and once again grabbed Violets hand in his. "Shall we?" He asked making sure the man overheard. Making sure he would hear the acknowledgment of consent from her.

Violet smiled shyly, an action that stirred his blood and drew the flesh beneath his pants to life. "Yes"

She gave one last reassuring look to the man named Peter before walking with him out the door. He felt a sense of relief. Her feminine scent drifting up and curling around him. All he smelt was her.

She huddled further into her coat as the bitter cold winter night air swept across them. Flakes of snow landing on top of her dark head and on the hood of jacket. She guided him to her strange small automobile and moved to unlock the door.

Ciaran did not want to get into the car and made a quick decision. Now was the time to head back to the castle. This was his chance.

"Wait" he said as he stepped forward. Violet turned with her back to the automobile staring up at him wide eyed. The keys jingled in her hands and he realized just how nervous she was. "Are you alright?" He found himself asking.

She nodded and pulled her bottom lip between her teeth before letting out a breath. The mist from her lips floating between them, "I um... I've just never done this before."

"Done what?"

She waved a hand between them, "This. Hooking up. You know..." she made a head gesture as if he were to know what she were referring to. He found the way she spoke odd to say the least. Ciaran had to try a little harder to keep up. Atleast he would have years to learn the way she spoke and he could converse easier with her. She made a sound of irritation, and refused to meet his stare "I've had sex I've just never had sex with a stranger. I mean I've seen plenty of customers come in and get picked up by someone else, man or woman, but I've never even considered doing it myself and here I am, being bolder than usual I suppose"

He couldn't help himself as he let out an amused chuckle.

Violet scowled, "This is funny to you?"

He shrugged, "You're working yourself up into a fit. It is quite amusing" he said letting out another laugh. Ciaran could tell that she had tried very hard to keep the look of irritation on her face but cracked a smile towards the end. Her rosy lips lifting at the corners.

Keeping his patient facade, even though he felt anything but, he reached out a cupped her cheek with his eyes drifting from her eyes to her lips. He started to lean forward and murmured "I've been wanting to do this all night"

The sound of her breath catching and her heart rate accelerating propelling him further and he stepped closer until the front of her body was pressed agaisnt his. Her suppulent curves molding to his tense form like a puzzle piece, she fit perfectly against him. His lips touched her and he lost all sense of rhyme and reason. Her shoulders dropped, losing their tension and she fell more firmly into him.

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