Chapter Four

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Her body pulsed with awareness as soon as he touched her. Everything around her seemed to dim and all she could think about was some how getting closer to him. She needed to get closer.

What is wrong with me, she thought to herself and blushed.

Clearing her throat she wiped her hand on her pants attempting to rid herself of the wierd and her wonderful sensation left behind by his touch "Sorry... I ugh" she completely lost herself as she glanced back up at his face and lost herself in his dark sultry gaze.

His eyes were all black except that was impossible. The room was dark so that likely had a lot to do with it. Atleast that's what she told herself. He kept his hood up but a small sliver of hair brushed against his forehead, it was too dark to see but she was certain his hair was a darker brown. It looked long and she wondered just how long it actually was.

Ciaran was his name. She had never met anyone with that name before. It was a beautiful name and the way he pronounced it with a hint of an Irish accent, had nearly caused her legs to give out.

Hot accent, check. Tall, dark and brooding, check, check, check.

What more could a girl ask for?

Violet rarley ever did anything impulsive but tonight she wanted to step out of her comfort zone. She had continued going back to Jason because it was safe, because it was what she knew and it was time to make a change which was the whole point of their break up.

She was not the type of girl to bring a guy home, especially someone she just met but it was time to live a little.

She counted to ten and then took a deep breath and forced herself to meet his intense stare "I um, I get off work in a few hours... you wouldn't want to stick around and maybe hang out afterwards... with me, would you?" She had never felt more awkward and unsure in her entire life.

It was pretty cliche though wasn't it? Meeting a guy at a club and being taken home for a one night stand. Although she killed the usual cliche by being forward and pursing him instead of the other way around, and of course who's to say something more couldn't come out of it?

She couldn't read his expression, his eyes were to dark. They looked almost pitch black but she knew that was the downside of the club, it was for the most part dark and hard to read expressions.

"What a tempting offer but I don't have a lot of time left. You see very soon I will have to leave and I won't be around these parts again for a very long time." He explained carefully.

Thankfully she was interrupted by another customer down the bar. She turned her back to him and walked away and she could have sworn she had heard a low growl as she did. The weight of his eyes on her body had her tensing with awareness.

He was a stranger and yet he pulled her body to life with a single look and the simplest touch.

Sex with him would be incredible, she thought.

The man at the other side of the bar called for a White Russian. Violet caught herself helpless in the movements as she made the drink but captured in her thoughts of being with the man called Ciaran. She took a deep breath and handed the drink to the customer with her "customer service" smile.

When she turned around to head back to Mr. tall dark and handsome she found him occupied, a petite red head in a short black skin tight leather dress standing almost on top of him.

The sudden urge to dowse her with cold water came to mind and she dropped the thought as quickly as she had thought of it. She couldn't believe it, never in her life had she been the jealous type. And really what and who did she have to be jealous over? Ciaran was a stranger, she didn't know him and they sure as hell weren't dating so why did seeing the red head practically crawling beneath his flesh bother her so much?

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