
Start from the beginning

"And what will I be doing? Waiting in the car?" Minho raised a brow. 

"I could be there for a while and pretend to need your assistance....? You know what, I'm sure it'll work out one way or another...let's just get to the destination first." Thanks to handy resources through my uncle, I had access to locating where multiple entertainment events or photoshoots took place. 


"She's obviously not going to cheat when you're around. You might need to catch her off guard, that is, if you're correct about this whole situation of course." Minho advised, "I can't believe I'm encouraging this...I'm risking my entire relationship. " He scoffed, letting out a sigh of disbelief. 

"If you can't physically be there, I could get evidence for you by filming?" I cringe at how desperate this whole thing seemed, we were crossing the line? 

"No need. I'll be there as soon as you find a way of letting me in. I can't just barge into a photoshoot unless I'm needed, I'll get kicked out. So you, little miss brainiac, would need to let me in somehow." Minho grinned, "If you're so smart, then figure out a way." 

"You're being unfair now. If you haven't realized, you haven't contributed a single thing to this plan!" I huffed, "I feel like I'm just ruining your relationship now, which is the last thing I want to do. And also, can't you just make up an excuse like you're visiting your girlfriend or something?" 

"Not when I'm trying to catch if she's cheating. I'll need to be a ghost, essentially." 

"I could kill you and you'd be a ghost easily." I grin, he fake laughed as a response, 

"Haha, not if I kill you first." 



"Oh look we're here!" I sigh with relief, "Alright, I'll find some way to sneak you in. But you'll need to wait for my signal." 

"How am I supposed to know what your signal is?!" 

"You'll just know when you see it, trust me." I whisper-yelled before exiting the car.


"Y/N? What brings you here?" Maejin raised a brow at my appearance, glancing around the room, afraid that someone might follow my entrance. 

"I'm scouting for my uncle. You know, he's just looking for new recruitments." I laugh it off.

"I thought you were a choreographer though?" Her suspicion grew while my fear...also grew.

"Oh yeah you know, sometimes it's fun to multitask and help out wherever you can." I nod, unfolding my arms. 

"I guess you have a point?" She forced a smile before strutting off with the other models for the rest of their photoshoot. 

"No no! The portions are off! Where's the other model, she should be here by now!" The director of this photoshoot exasperated, throwing his hands up in frustration. 

"Uh sir, she's sick and unable to make it today, she had to cancel last minute..." One of the assistants hesitantly spoke up, "...I mean, can't you work with 3 models instead, it doesn't look too bad?" 

"NO NO, it has to be an even number. We need to capture the essence of the magazine, it has to be magnifique!" The director paced around the room, "Are you sure she's sick?? Have you contacted her personally instead of her manager?"

"Yes we have sir, countless times. We're unable to-"

"Hush-" The director haulted, and turned his head to me, slowly walking over and inspecting my body proportions, "You'll do." He nodded with approval.

WHAT?! "Someone get this lady in the proper attire and get her on set." He commanded.

"Uh sir, I'm not a model and I highly doubt I have the looks to be one, you've got it all wrong I-"

"Think of it as a temporary thing, a one-off photoshoot more like. You'll be done before you know it, now go go get ready!" He waved his fingers shooing me away, "Dahyun get her makeup and hair done stat!" 


I glance in the mirror with the attire I was now clothed with, a short black silk nearly see through pyjama dress, great. Were they going for a sexy concept? Whatever the case is, I despise this! This was the las thing I had in mind. 

My hair and makeup was done, which meant one thing, I was due for heading on set. Shit, how am I going to get to Minho? 

"Excuse me, may I use the bathroom? I need to wee wee." UGH who says that?! Thanks for embarrassing yourself Y/N. How to erase myself from this planet?

"Back that way sweetie." One of the makeup artists directed. 


Peering out into the hallway, I snuck out of the backdoor and searched for the car Minho was in.

"Psssst, get in here!" I waved at him, gesturing for him to enter through the backdoor. Minho rushed over and swiftly snuck in, while shutting the door quietly. 

"What on earth are you wearing??" He panted, resting his hands on his knees. 

"It's a long story! But come on, while I was getting my hair done, I saw Maejin sneak somewhere back here with her manager...." Minho followed my lead, hastily, we rushed to one of the back rooms where Maejin was. The door was left slightly ajar, which allowed us to glance in. 

There she was. 
What, the, hell. 

"Heheh stop, this tickles baby." Her hands were all up in the manager's hair as he was on top of her, shirtless. 

Minho averted his eyes from the door, his breathing got heavier, eyes darting to the ground with disbelief. He shook his head countless times. 

"Minho...we can leave if you want. I'm so sorry..." I started but he interjected,

"No, it's not your fault. We came all the way here, let's sort it out now." He burst the door open, and stood by the door frame, folding his arms. HIs eyes showed no mercy towards Maejin, who was on the couch with her manager. 

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