Part 1

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" I wake to you everywhere...

⚠️TW: mentions of murder, fires, screaming, throat slitting, blood, death in general potential PTSD triggers or triggers to your own⚠️

The early birds of the morning started to awake along with the villagers of Camelot. The sun warms up the grass with the morning due slowly dripping off.

Y/n wakes up with the unwelcome sunlight piercing through the curtain, a groan escapes her lips as she pulls herself from her bed.

"Good morrow! Get out of bed we have got olives, bread and a small amount of cheese for breakfast my dear" Isabella called from the hall
"Coming." Y/n said with a morning growl in her throat
"So.. any new dreams my friend?" Isabella asked inquisitively with her mouth full of stale bread.
"No, not yet my comrade. But I can sense something will happen.. I'm just doubtful in what it will be."  Picking off the mould from her bread.
"Do not troubled with this, it will come when it comes." Isabella said with a soft smile.

Isabella and Y/n's relationship

Isabella was Y/n's friend since they were little girls. They would always be up to mischief or no good.
From stealing bread from stands to lying to the guards about what they did, always playing the victims.
This would sometimes reward them with a smack from Isabella's mother as she wanted to raise them to become ladies.

Y/n's backstory
Y/n's parents both died in a fire that got out of control when she was little, 5 years old to be exact. She was out at Isabella's house at the time. Without notice Isabella's mother came running into the house grabbed us and ran away and placed us in a row boat.

Y/n's mother was a maid at the castle and her father was a guard. They where very close with the royal family and their youngest son Arthur
Isabella and Y/n both liked Arthur, but he never said who he liked. He too died that day, almost half of the population was killed during that fire, Y/n's parents and the family of Uther his wife and child and many other people
She was the only one of her family who carried on living from that day.
Isabella's mother took Y/n as one of her own and raised her until her passing

"And with you? What about this new...beloved of yours then? Is he going to become a suitor?" I grind while looking down still picking at my food

Isabella looked at Y/n with a jokingly disapproving look
"Potentially, who knows. I am still testing the waters"

Y/n scrunched her nose and laughed at Isabella trying to conceal her embarrassments the question

Suddenly the sound of metal striking against metal filled the air, woman and children screaming while men tried to save their families.
This screaming and metal bashing got louder and louder until it reached the home of Y/n and Isabella.
Isabella jumped up from he seat and ushered Y/n out of a door behind the house, Isabella said to Y/n "go, I just need to grab one thing before we go. I'll meet you at the boat. GO!"
"Do be ridiculous I'm not leaving without you!" Y/n whispered loudly
"GO! NOW!" Yelled Isabella before running to her bedroom.
Before Y/n got the chance to convince her to go with her, guards had burst through the front door searching for anyone in the house one guard had ran immediately into Isabella's room and grabbed her.
She could her pots breaking and Isabella fighting back against this guard, but she was no match.
The guard had got her by her deep brown hair which was now breaking under his grip, she screamed as he dragged her by the hair into the room with the other guards.
All Y/n could do was stand there in shock with tears running down her face looking helplessly through the door.
Isabella only had a chance to look at Y/n one last time and give her a reassuring smile before her throat was slit by a guard with his sword.  They he released his grip from her hair as blood seeped down her body and dripping through the floor boards.
Her closet person to family. Gone.

Y/n ran as fast as her legs could go, eyes red and puffy with the cold wind gently kissing her tear stained cheeks, she finally made it to the docks.
She untied the rope attached to the boat while her breath hitches to the thought of her smile. That will be something she never forgets.
She pushes the boat out and starts rowing for her life. She gasps for air trying to catch it back after the death of her friend and the rowing takes it away from her.

After a while night falls, Y/n looks back at Camelot's direction and sees the soft glow of a unforgiving fire that would rip through Camelot like it was nothing. The orange tinge lights up her face and highlights her tear streams.

"I knew something would happen.. not again..." she sighed knowing what she would have to do next. 

... yet you are not here.."
~ unknown.

ok so... got intense quickly didn't it?

⚠️would just like to apologise if my warning at the start didn't fully cover everything and if I have upset you please tell me what I should add to the trigger warning to help prevent anything like that happening please 🥺❤️

If there is any grammar issues please tell me or punctuation issues again please tell me I have dyslexia so what I read in my mind might be completely wrong so if you can tell me that would be great and I hope you enjoyed,

until next time my darlings <3
I love you ❤️

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