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Arjun stays at Oberoi mansion while Anika and Shivaay were in Hospital.

Shivaay: Anika listen they are just taking normal tests, don't be afraid I am with you.

Saying that Shivaay holds hands tightly. Anika smiles at Shivaay for his actions.

Anika: Shivaay don't worry I'll be fine.

Nurse: Sir, Mam doctor is calling you for the tests.

Anika: Shivaay they are calling us.

Shivaay: ok the lets go.

Anika: Shivaay relax you wait here.

Shivaay: no I am coming with you that's it.

Anika: they are calling for scan and let me go

Shivaay: ok you go.

Anika: I'll go if you leave my hand.

Shivaay: never, Shivaay Singh Oberoi will not leave you ever.

Anika: Shivaay it's just a lab, you wait here and I'll be back soon.

Anika goes inside the lab and Shivaay looks through the glass window.

Anika takes all the tests and they wait for the reports as the hospital management says that the reports will be ready within an hour.

Nurse: Mr and Mrs Oberoi your reports are ready and Doctor is calling you.

Doctor: Mr and Mrs Oberoi please come, have your seat.

Shivaay: Doctor is everything ok?

Doctor: Mr. Oberoi your wife is absolutely fine and the reports are normal.

Shivaay:thank God I was worried a lot.

Doctor: but you have minor injury in leg and your wound in your head is not yet cured.

Anika: Doctor, is there problem with that?

Doctor: not at all, but you have to take some antibiotics for infection cause and you should take rest for some days and concentrate on your diet as you are anaemic too.

Shivaay: I'll take care of that Doctor.

Doctor: and one thing please make sure that she should be stress free as head injury is not yet cured. Don't give any pressure and tension it's harm for her.

Anika: what tension would come for me?

Doctor: nothing but make sure about that

Shivaay: thank you doctor and I'll make sure about that.

Doctor: ok then take care of yourself.

Anika: sure doctor and thank you.

Shivaay: thank you..

They leave the hospital and they were on the way to Oberoi mansion.

Anika: Shivaay

Shivaay: what?

Anika: what are you doing?

Shivaay: what am I doing?

Anika: look at the road.

Shivaay: what?

Anika: you are going dead slow. Look cycle is chasing you.

Shivaay: Doctor said that you should not have any tension or stress that's why.

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