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Everyone in the Oberoi mansion were waiting for Anika's arrival, while Anika, Arjun were in search of clue in Kalyani Mills.

Anika: Arjun, everything is been burned nothing is going to get here.

Arjun: Anika, relax you have to be keep patience.

Anika: oh god, please solve this mystery soon. This place looks like haunted.

As she was walking she steps on the wire.

Anika: What is this?

Arjun: Let me see.

Anika: its a wire and what it is doing here?

Arjun: everything is burned but how this wire.

Arjun pulls the wire and he followed after the wire.

Anika: Too lengthy wire, where did it came from?

Following the wire they went outside the factory.

Rathore: Rawthe, What are you doing outside?

Arjun: I just followed a wire and I came here.

Chotu: a wire ?

Arjun: this factory is completely burned but look at this wire, its like newly installed that too just ten years ago.

Anika: how do you know about that?

Chotu: experience mam, sir's experience.

Anika, Chotu laughs, Arjun looks at them.

Anika: Lets see where the wire goes.

Later they followed and it goes near the lake.

Anika: a Lake near factory?

Arjun: The wire goes inside the water.

Rathore: that means someone had left this wire in water, but why?

Anika: What is there?

Arjun: Where Anika?

Anika: over there, its a Building or home? I cannot see in this dark.

Rawthe: yeah its a building. A electric tower here? Looks like this place is active over years.

Arjun: we have to check maybe this wire connects to that building or not?

Cotu: but sir it seems too far, we have to cross this lake.

Arjun: ok lets go there, Chotu take the car.

Later Rawthe calls Shree and asks to locate the building and details.

Rawthe: I had informed shree to find about the building details.

Chotu: sir lets go.

Anika: I hope this problem solves soon.

Everyone goes in the car. After going some distance Chotu stopped the car.

Arjun: what happened Chotu?

Chotu: Sir there is no way for car, look there is dense of trees.

Rawthe: I think we should go by walk.

Arjun: ok its too dark we should take torch lights.

Anika: you have torch lights?

Rawthe: we'll have most of the emergency things.

Anika: like what things?

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