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He was shocked.

Me and him were both crying by this time.

He pulled me in his embrace tightly.


Y/n's pov

After some minutes

"Can you tell me about why you did that ?" - I asked

"No, you should tell me first" - he said

"Okay, I will tell you first" - I said assuringly

"First, tell me why did you do this and since when are you doing this ?" - he asked

"I s-sstarted dd-doing this 3-4 y-years ago" - I said

He was looking shocked

"And why did you do that ?" - he asked calmly

Flashback starts

Y/n's father - Mr Lee
Y/n's mother - Mrs lee

Y/n , her sister and parents were having dinner

"How did you do in your exams ?" - Mr Lee asked

"2nd place" - I said

"Your friend got the 1st place right ?" - Mrs lee asked

"Yes" - I said

I know what was coming

"In your previous exams you were 2nd. Why you just can't get the 1st place" - mrs lee said

"I tried my best" - I said

"Me and your dad in our school got the first place and you" - mrs lee started yelling

"I am not like you" - I said

I am a person who just can't keep their mouth shut

"You even can't be like us" - Mr Lee said

"Try better. Your sister got the 1st place in her class-- "


"I don't know how you can be my child you are so disrespectful" - Mr Lee said

"I would have probably did some great sin in my previous life to get a daughter like you" - mrs lee said

I have had enough I didn't said anything and get into my room.

As soon as I locked the door I sat on the bed and started crying after crying for 15 mins I sat up and saw a cutter which I used for my project in my desk which was beside my bed I really don't know what gotten into me I just wanted to die so i made a cut but I didn't lose my consciousness but the blood was oozing out and I was feeling the pain and crying...

Flash back ends

"So that was the day it all started whenever I feel stupid and insecure I do this I can't stop myself" - I said

I looked up at taehyung he didn't said anything and started talking

"I didn't have this habit but when I went to Canada my father told me that he is gonna get m-mmarried and the worst part is I know my step mom is using my dad for m-money

I heard her talking on phone. So I told my dad but he s-slapped-d m-me and believed her. I was so sad. The next day I went to the new school I was bb-bullied there were not one people there were a group of 12-13 boys and I was alone. At first I tried to fight back but after some days I didn't tried and I also started hurting myself because I was alone there..... And these s-scars some of are from my bullies and some from mm-myself" - he said everything while stuttering ....

"You don't h-hate me for this r-right ?" - he asked hesitantly

"No, I don't.. but promise me you would never to this again" - I said

"If I don't do it you won't do it right ?" - he said

I raised a eyebrow.

"Let's promise" - he said and take out his pinky finger

I joined my pinky finger with his and sealed the promise with thumb.

"Now, let's cook" - I said

"And if anything bothers you in the future just talk to me or call me" - I said smiling

He nodded

And we resumed our Cooking.....

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