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Y/n's pov

I saw taehyung he was not like earlier there was not a smile on his face his eyes doesn't give any emotions he is wearing a black hoodie. I noticed his face, his face still had a slight mark because of the scar.

"Why are you staring at me ?" - he suddenly asked sitting infront of me

"Oh you know someone left me and said that he will come back after 1 year and he didn't even contacted and even broke his promise" - I said sarcastically

"I am sorry" - he said feeling guilty

"But don't worry I am here now" - he continued

"Okay ! So let's hang out tomorrow" - I said

"No, I can't" - he said straightly i was shocked

"I am busy" - he said

"Okay" - I said

"Let's go to the class" - he said and walked away

After that he didn't talked to me and ignored me I remember everytime we used to bid goodbyes to each other.

I was wondering why was he like this did something happened ? He didn't even smiled once at me. I should be sad but he is playing the victim here. I think he is just like others. I was fool to think of him as a nice person.

I don't know he is just like others but I am used to this it is not gonna affect me that bad......

Author's pov

And like this days went by taehyung ignored and she didn't tried to talk to him. But eventually y/n noticed taehyung was not like this he had a habit of smiling but now he doesn't he doesn't even talk with his hyungs. But what can she do when she was not even close to him they were just hardly friends who didn't talked with each other for many months and now he is ignoring her.

As y/n she was always like this she doesn't made any friends and even she met friends of taehyung earlier but she didn't want to talk to them because she hardly know them.

Y/n's pov

"We are going on a trip" - the teacher said

Everyone in the class cheered "yay!!"
I was not excited because I already planned of not going I didn't go previous year as always.

"It is compulsory for all the students if you are not present in the bus your marks in the finals are gonna deduct" - the teacher said

I widened my eyes

But I hate trips like what am I gonna do I don't have any friends in school trips we are paired in a group and a person like me without friends.

"Everyone should present in school at 7am and the bus will take us to the place" - the teacher said

I sighed

"I have to go"- I thought

Time skip

Now, I am sitting on the bus as today I woke up early and came here. teachers said we have to wear casual clothes we don't have to wear our uniforms so I wore a hoodie and Jean.

In bus no one was sitting beside me everyone was sitting with their friends as of taehyung I think he is in another bus and now the bus is just gonna start because the bus is full the seat beside me is vacant


"Is there a vacant seat ? We have got problems in another bus so we have to adjust raise your hands if you have vacant seats beside you" - the teacher said

I raised my hand

"Okay taehyung, there is a seat. Go and sit beside y/n" - the teacher said

As taehyung came and sit beside me he was also wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants.

"Hi" - he said

After ignoring me for weeks he is saying hi

I didn't replied just take out my earphones and played songs while looking outside the window of the bus as the bus started.

Suddenly the song stopped

"What the hell !" - I shouted as I saw my phone battery is dead.

I realised every one in the bus is looking at me now.

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