The knight started to move rampant as if losing his sanity.

Blood came out of his eyes and ears, his mouth full of insects, bugs seeped through his dry skin.

It was a horrible scene to observe.

He was screaming of fear and agony, but none of the others have the guts to lend a hand. They were all too shakened of what they witnessed.

Under his mask, Rosh smirked in delight. What a beautiful view, his blood is pumping fast out of excitement.

It was Zebed's or Luar's so called special blessing before he became his servant.

Apparently, Rosh's new slave was blessed by the most worshipped god of all-creatures. Giving Luar the ability to order and communicate with many animals whether they're beasts, insects or ancient monsters.

A terrifying power indeed, as Rosh himself acknowledge.

'How long has it been since I've seen this?' He thought. The things he yearned to see from the cause of his orders, it is now here.

The image of him above the pile of corpses, how nostalgic. His life from the past seemed like it came back to the present.

The killing. Blood spilling. Screams of agony.

And fear.

All of it was the source of his happiness, just like how it was what his enemies hate.

Rosh clenched his fist, and with his unseenable face, his lips curved into a sickening smile.

''W-w-what are you just s-standing there? A-attack them!!'' One of the staff yelled at the knights making them snap out of their shock.

They immediately charged at Luar and Amros without proper tactic or strategy. Just pure attack. Rosh clicked his tongue. What a disgrace to call them knights of Razon.

The knights swung and slashed their swords at his two servants, of course, each glide of the blades were evaded effortlessly.

Rosh didn't even flinch at the sight of their attacks, he just stood there unfazed. Those knights who pointed their swords at him suddenly stopped their tracks.

They didn't hesitate nor surrender, their faces held no fear but confusion.

Darkness is the one that kneels down on the person infront of them, not the other way 'round. Adding the advantage of the night, the dimness makes the effect of his dark blessing to strengthen.

The knights' shadows were glues on the ground, they couldn't move. They have been apprehended like prisoners.

On the other hand, Amros and Luar have long finished their fights, they didn't break a sweat. Such battles were mere child's play.

Rosh didn't want to waste anymore time because he has to get back to the manor before any of the duke's staff wakes up.

''Enough with the hold-on. Clean them.''

Amros nodded. ''Yes, Master.''

As if an eclipse happened, the dimmed area became even more dark, the people inside felt like they've been thrown in an abyss. An endless pit of darkness.

With a few more seconds passed, the darkness dissipates. The surroundings became visible once again, however, a big change has been made.

The whole building slowly crumbled bit by bit, the once furnished and priceless products became rubbish one by one.

It was an avalanche. A landslide of breakage.

And lastly, the knights, the staff and every other people that could've witnessed the black-out....

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