Episode 5: Until Dawn

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Previously on Steven Universe: 

(Moonlight) NO! I was tortured physically and mentally for the past few thousand years for the sake of a war based on a LIE! And you want me to CALM DOWN?!


(Samuel) Now, can any of you two tell me why there's monsters roaming the streets?!


(Steven) Earth was full of these creatures. But we rounded all of them up, and now we have to cure them. We need all four Diamonds to fix it.


(Yellow Diamond) It might be best if you all stay here. We shouldn't surprise White all at once. We'll try to get her in here. Everyone, be on your best behavior, especially you, Samuel.


(Moonlight) It's White... I've never seen her in person before. And I've heard many stories about what she can do. I don't even know if they're true or not. I've never seen her in action before. Her power is unknown, too.


(White Diamond) This is the rest of the rebels? 


(White Diamond) And you're a human, too?

(Yellow Diamond) That's right.

(White Diamond) That's... not possible.


(White Diamond) If you're trying to influence me into cooperating in a negotiation, it does not look well to all of you when my society is crumbling.


(Yellow Diamond) LOOK OUT--

(Moonlight) SAMUEL! ARE YOU OKAY?!



(Samuel) What the fuck do we do now?!


June 3rd, 2016. 12:19 AM

White Diamond's Personal Quarters.

(White Diamond) And that's the final number of fatalities of the gems upon the last major battle on Earth.

Steven shuddered in his seat. White Diamond just finished telling Steven the gem war history, but with Homeworld's perspective of the war. She told the story as if the Crystal Gems were gems who suddenly turned traitor to gem kind for no reason.

As much as he wanted to inform her that they had a cause, he kept his mouth shut, because he didn't have the courage to speak otherwise to someone who could easily kill him right now.

(White Diamond) We lost so many gems, whether from the carnage or from becoming heretics. Like Moonlight...

Steven flinched when she brought up Moonlight.

(White Diamond) Moonlight is such a treasure created by me. She was supposed to be looking fabulous like me, and a super soldier. But she was such wasted potential, and I was very pleased when Yellow brought her back to me when she was caught in the war.

1: What did you do?

2: [Keep quiet]


1: What did you do? 

(Steven) What did you do?

(White Diamond) Oh, since I couldn't control her, like I can do to anyone else, because I made her immune to most gem diseases, I've given her a few atrocious visions and mental breakdowns. That would teach her for being a heretic. Now, she's turned on us again.

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