Episode 1: New Adventures

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So, pretty much how this will work out is you will read the story and there will come up choices for both dialogue and physical decisions. Like most Telltale games, you have four choices where three of them are words and the fourth choice is silence. And then there's the dramatic choices where you have to do one choice or the other, but it's a hard choice. 

You pick the choices and little segments will appear in the dialogue parts that is basically what happens when you pick a choice. Then others will be shown to make it fair for everyone, then the story will resume. And the same will be said for the dramatic segments. 

Certain scenes will be shown based on your previous choices, like exclusive scenes. But if you did not make the choice(s) that will make the scene appear, then it isn't canon to your story. Certain dialogue will also appear based on your choices, but if none of your choices match the dialogue, then you will be faced with the default dialogue.

Here is an example of the determinate dialogue: 

[Told Connie to stay]:

(Connie) Look, I know you told me to stay, but I'm not sure if it was the right choice. 

And, of course, the story will have the little notes that appear based on your choices.

(?) Amethyst will remember that. 

So, yeah. And, yes, the little notes will also inform you about stuff you should know, so there ya go. I plan on making five episodes, like most Telltale Games. If this gets popular enough, I might make a season 2. 

Have fun, and comment about your story. I'd love to hear it.

3rd Person P.O.V. 

May 31st, 2016. 11:52 AM.

Steven's House

(Amethyst) Steven, are you coming? 

(Steven) Yeah, give me a second.

Steven grabbed his jacket and raced to the warp pad. 

Telltale Games presents: 

(Steven) So, where are we going? 

Steven Universe

(Garnet) Mask Island.

They warped to Mask Island. Once they got there, Steven and the gems hopped off the warp pad and explored. 

(Pearl) A few corrupted gems are here, so be careful.

You have four choices below to decide what Steven says. Your choice of words will have a impact one way or another, based on your decisions. Silence is a valid option. Warning: Some characters will hold you responsible from your choices, choose wisely. 

1: Any idea where? 

2: We can take them.

3: We should be careful.

4: ...


1: Any idea where? 

(Steven) Any idea where? 

(Pearl) Not sure. Some of them can climb, so probably above us, in the trees. 

(Amethyst) Like monkeys. 

2: We can take them. 

(Steven) We can take them. 

(Pearl) Sure, but we just need to find them.

(Amethyst) Yeah, then we'll crush 'em! 

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