Episode 3: Truth be Told

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3rd Person P.O.V

Previously on Steven Universe: 

(Yellow Diamond) I've found the jasper under water on Earth many weeks ago. she said she was trapped in a fusion with a lapis, before they broke apart. Why don't we speak to her, and your friend, too?


(Moonlight) Hello, I am here to check on the injured hand of one of you.


(Samuel) So, how are you going to-- EW! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!


(Samuel) You're a Crystal Gem?

(Moonlight) Formally. I was captured during battle a couple thousand years ago. Yellow Diamond kept me alive as a valuable informant. Eventually, she continued keeping me alive because she knew my past.


(Moonlight) I don't think the Diamonds are evil, they just don't know what they're doing. And one time, in battle, I was incapacitated by the enemy, and I was brought to Yellow Diamond. She was disappointed in me, and did almost anything but shattering to me when interrogating me. When she was done, she kept me around, because she said I was misguided and I need therapy for being manipulated by Rose Quartz. Everyone called me a heretic, a betrayer, a good-for-nothing warrior, wasted potential.


(Samuel) Still, you got the star, it means you're still one of them.

(Moonlight) I guess you're right. Though, I'm not sure what side is the right side anymore.


(Connie) This is Leo. A guy I know in school.

(Samuel) Leo? Leo Taylor? 

(Leo) Yes. I believe you and I have met before.


(Steven) What is it that you want to talk about?

(Connie) It's Sam...


(Samuel) So? You think a weak apology is just going to make a year's worth of anger and embarrassment just suddenly disappear? Like it's water under the bridge?

(Leo) No, but closure will.


(Steven) We're not to fight, we're here to get our friends back.




(Jasper) You...

(Samuel) What the fuck?! You again?!


(Pearl) Rose Quartz is Pink Diamond.

(Everyone) WHAT?!


Steven's House.

June 2nd, 2016. 12:00 PM.


(Pearl) Yes... She's been Pink Diamond all this time...

(Amethyst) And you're telling us this now?! Why?!

(Pearl) The reason why I couldn't tell you all before is because she ordered me not to say anything about it. When she was gone... I didn't want to disrespect her wishes, but after seeing what Steven is getting himself into, and with the truth being twisted into where the Crystal Gems look evil, I had to disregard her wishes in order to set the record straight.

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