Challenging ideals part 3-the start of the battle

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The group of elite four, gym leaders, international police and the two champions on their aces fly towards the white ruins where they can see team plasma constructing their machines.

Axle:What's the plan Y/n?
Y/n:I will try to negotiate with then first but if they don't agree than we do the original plan we discussed at dragonspiral Tower.
Axle:Sounds good

Team plasma all look up to see the group of invaders as Ghetsis walks up towards where they land.
Ghetsis:Who are you and why are you here?
Y/n:My name is Y/n and I am the champion of Unova. This is my friend Axle, champion of Hoenn. This is your one and final warning. Leave now and stop what ever it is your plan is and come with us or else we will have to use force.
Y/n has a look of fierce aggression towards the group which scare the team plasma grunts but doesn't do anything to even phase Ghetsis or N.
Ghetsis:You think kids like you two can scare us. I don't care if you are the region's new champion. Nobody will get in our way! Team plasma prepare your attacks.
Thr grunts all send out their pokemon consisting of Liepards, Swoobats, Watchogs, Scolipde garbodor, Krookadiles, Scraftys, servipers, Weezings, Crobats, Bisharps and Raticates. The international police and Looker send out their pokemon and make their way to take on the grunts as the gym leaders make their way around to take on the seven sages of team Plasma with Iris giving a quick kiss to Y/n before she leaves with Fraxure by her side. Then the elite four go and take on their higher ups like Colres and the shadow triad. Then finally Y/n will go on to battle the leaders, N and Ghetsis. Hopefully we then be able to stop their plans to awaken Reshiram. Axle goes to take on Ghetsis who sends out his Hydreigon while Axle sends in Flygon. Axle then taps onto his keystone bracelet and begins to chant.
Axle:Now my greatest partner. Transcend beyond the limits and capabilities of dragons and every creature on this earth. Together with our powerful might we will go beyond. Now Flygon mega evolve,!
Flygon's chain necklace begins to react with the keystone as strands of energy starting to flow to each other and the two ends meet which causes Flygon to start to morph into a more powerful form of himself.

 Now Flygon mega evolve,!Flygon's chain necklace begins to react with the keystone as strands of energy starting to flow to each other and the two ends meet which causes Flygon to start to morph into a more powerful form of himself

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Ghetsis:Use dragon rush!
Axle:Charge in with a Smack down!
Flygon accelerated at his increased speeds as he flys above Hydreigon and with his now glowing tail he slams the pseudo-legendary pokemkn onto the ground.

With Y/n

Altaria and Y/n rush towards N who has his hands on a white stone. He turns towards Y/n who looks at him with anger.
Y/n:Surrender N!
N:Never! My dream will be a reality where trainers and pokemo will be separated forever!
He places the stone on a pedestal as it begins to glow and react with the machinery as a bright white flash engulfed the entire ruins.

Y/n:No way.
The back stone unknown to anyone begins to glow and react with Reshiram.
N:You still think you can stop me?!
Y/n:I have to altaria!
Altaria looks at her trainer before they both nod in understanding and he presses the keystone and begins to chant.
Y/N:You, who has the power to defy the laws of nature and holds the power of dragons. Lend me your heart and trust and together with our power and the help of our bond, mega evolve!,Y/N yells this as yellow streams of light flow towards Altaria's necklace as the yellow bird began to glow and began to change shape.Mega altaria appeared on the field ready to battle.
Y/n:As champion I will stop you! Use moonblast!
N:You won't learn. Use fusion flare!
The two attacks connect as the battle to save unova and possibly the world begins

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