Unova league part3- Cameron vs Y/N part 2

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The battle between Cameron and Y/N continues with both pseudo-legendary pokemon charging at each other with dragon rushes. Although garchomp previously used Dragon dance, Hydreigon was able to tank it. Y/N took control if the situation and used Flamethrower to push him back. The triple headed pokemon just shook of the attack while charging a tri attack while the mach pokemon charged in with dragon rush which was just overwhelmed with the tri attack and a quick dragon rush was to used to then defeated garchomp( He was the lowest level pokemon on Y/N's team since he was caught a week before the league)"Garchomp is unable to battle. Hydreigon wins. Please send out your last pokemon Y/N". Y/N then returned his mach pokemon and then got his heal ball out and sent out his last pokemon."Go Altaria!", Y/N yelled as he sent out his yellow cloud pokemon.

"Go Altaria!", Y/N yelled as he sent out his yellow cloud pokemon

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"Hey Cameron", Y/N called towards his opponent. Cameron and everyone in the audience looked towards Y/N."You are so far the best opponent I have battled in this league. So I will show you my full strength", Y/N says while touching his necklace."You, who has the power to defy the laws of nature and holds the power of dragons. Lend me your heart and trust and together with our power and the help of our bond mega evolve!",Y/N yells this as yellow streams of light flow towards Altaria's necklace as the yellow bird began to glow and began to change shape: her body began to get a bit bigger as her back, neck and head got covered by her cloud like wings. After the transformation a large DNA symbol appeared.

"This is mega evolution!", Y/N yelled as his partner pokemon chirped in agreement

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"This is mega evolution!", Y/N yelled as his partner pokemon chirped in agreement. Cameron, ash, cilian, Iris and the audience were astonished."Use moonblast!", Y/N commanded as his friend charged up a pink orb of light then blast it towards Hydreigon. The three headed pokemon retaliated with dragon pulse which seemed to do nothing as the moonblast hit Hydreigon, knocking it out."Hydreigon is unable which means that Altaria and Y/N win", the referee says as Altaria converts back to her original form as she jumped and hugged Y/N.

As Y/N and Altaria left the arena to the pokemon centre Iris rushed to him with yet another bone breaking hug."Well done on your match Y/N!", Iris said as axew did a similar thing to Altaria. The two other boys laughed at Iris as she turned into a crimson red from embarrassment and told them to shut up.

1 hour timeskip

After resting at the pokemon centre, the group went to see who Y/N and Ash were going to battle next in the three on three third round matches.

After resting at the pokemon centre, the group went to see who Y/N and Ash were going to battle next in the three on three  third round matches

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(Replace Cameron with Y/N and the swap the purple shirt guy with ash)
The next day would be very eventful

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