Unova league part2- Cameron vs Y/N part 1

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It was the next day of the of the league(The other matches are the same) It was now time for the final match of the second round:Cameron vs Y/N. Both of the trainers stood at opposite sides of the field." This is the final match of the second round. This is a three on three match up with substitutions allowed. May both trainer please send out their pokemon", the referee said as both trainers threw their pokeballs sending out their pokemon(Y/N's team for this battle is Gyrados, Garchomp and Altaria while Cameron's team is Swanna, Samurott and Hydreigon)

"Go Swanna/Gyarados!", trainers yelled as their pokemon appeared and the battle appeared. Cameron didn't hesitate in taking the first attack as swanna sent a wave of air cutters towards the large serpentine behemoth as Y/N retaliated with a Hydro pump which over powered the air cutter and smashed into Swanna, although not very effective, sending it to the other side of the battle. As swanna recovered from the attack, Y/N used this as an opportunity to use dragon dance and charge in with outrage. Before Cameron could counter Swanna was hit with the powered up outrage, knocking it out."Swanna is unable to battle, Gyarados wins. Cameron send out your next pokemon. " the referee says as Cameron returns Swanna.

"Go Samurott!", Cameron yells as his next pokemon come out. Gyarados continues his outrage towards Samurott  as the ladder used retaliate which did big damage on Gyarados while the atrocious pokemon charged towards Samurott while being blocked a proetct and then hit by a razor shell followed by another. Gyarados them fainted from exhaustion" Gyarados is unable to battle. Samurott wins. Y/N please send out your next pokemon", the referee says as Y/N returns his serpentine companion back to his pokeball.

"Go garchomp!", Y/N yells as his mach pokemon emerges and charges at Samurott with a dragon rush as Samurott charged an ice beam at garchomp as the pseudo-legendary dodged with ease and charged with full power heavily weakening the otter. Garchomp then uses dragon dance as Samurott used another ice beam but before he could execute the attack garchomp uses dragon rush to defeat Samurott as Cameron returned his fainted pokemon. A new fire burned in Cameron's eyes as he got his last pokemon out."Go my secret weapon, Hydreigon!", Cameron yelled as his three headed pokemon appeared from his pokeball with  mighty roar.

"Go my secret weapon, Hydreigon!", Cameron yelled as his three headed pokemon appeared from his pokeball with  mighty roar

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