Chapter 16- Shrines

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CHAPTER 16: Shrines - I woke with a start, springing up instantly causing my battered and broken body to explode with pain from deep within me. I groaned quietly not wanting to wake 'him' up.

Tears stung my eyes, and blurred my vision just as it did after each time I had this nightmare.

It had been 3 weeks since I was taken.

3 weeks since, I have felt Antonio holding me, 3 weeks since the feeling of warmth and tenderness blooming in my body.
3 weeks since my own personal Hell had become a reality.

I missed my old life.

I miss the old me, I miss Antonio, and Laci, Christine, and Christopher.

My heart ached for just a touch of my old life- the barest whisper of it-but I knew it was only wishful thinking.

These past few weeks have been the worst I have ever dealt with in my entire life.

The fear I had once had, was now at a distance and compared to this hell- looked like a slice of heaven. I was no longer afraid of my father, I was afraid of the man who held me and Rachel captive right now.

I have been tortured and beaten to many times to count, just as the amount of cuts, and bruises that now covered my body.

Every day, if anything were to happen I would take Rachel's punishment. I didn't want her to have to deal with it.

So we traded off now back and forth as if we were children sharing a toy.

Rachel had gotten her 'discipline' last night for god knows what, and I was now trying to help her with anything I could find.

I wet a piece of ripped parts of my scrubs and dabbed at the cuts, it wasn't much but it was better than nothing.

These past few weeks have taught me a lot, things that I wish I had known before, things I wish I had paid more attention to-but we can't go back in time no matter how bad we want.

While he was torturing me, I had slowly learned to just block the pain out to pretend I was somewhere I would much rather be. And when I would be in my special place, I would think the entire time while he was doing things to me.

Life really is short; you don't know when things are going to get bad so you have to make sure you do wonderful things just in case. It may seem like a cliché but, you really don't know what you have until you have lost it.

I still would hallucinate sometimes after he threw me into the cell while the drug got out of my system, I would imagine Antonio, Christine, Laci and Christopher standing over me smiling at me, holding outstretched hands, showing a promise of hope and when I would finally have enough strength to push my hand up to meet theirs, the image would erase as if an eraser would a pencil mark.

Some days, if he does extra, or does worst -I lay on the cold ground and see Antonio sitting next to me holding my hand, and I would talk to him.

Tell him how much I love him, how much he means to me, we would talk about our future married life watching our kids have grandkids. But each time to my immense disappointment he would fade away like the hope I once had.

I was brought from my thoughts when we heard him coming, instantly tensing and hearing his heavy booted feet hitting the wooden stairs, the sounds of his keys clinking together with each movement.

I could smell him before I would see him, his smell made bile rise in my throat like lava would rise over a volcano.

I would hold it down not wanting to be 'disciplined'. He walked over to the cell unlocked it and walked over to me.

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