Chapter 5- Sprite Meetings and Bodily Fluids

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Chapter 5: Sprite, meetings and bodily fluids- After doing my rounds very numbly and feeling as if I had tree trunks for legs the smell of hospital disinfectant was clouding my mind and invading my senses to almost dizzying heights.

I sighed and began walking to the Cafeteria for my meeting with Antonio.

I was so confused.

Why did I feel this way for him and why did he keep doing these small gestures that melted my heart and made me want to curl into him like a content cat? What was it about him that made me feel so safe and protected? Why did he have to be so god like?! And why do I feel like a schoolgirl every time I am around him?

I slapped a hand over my face and sighed. I have got to stop thinking like this! It is strictly a business relationship –if you could even say that- if there even was a business relationship.

I walked into the Cafeteria, being bombarded
with the smells of cheap hospital food, and stale coffee. 'Oh the life of a doctor' I thought with a chuckle.

I looked around for Antonio and with no luck of finding him- I thought what the hell? I am starving and only have so much time to eat. I walked over to the salad bar piling salad onto my plate.

Cucumbers, check. Salad dressing, check. Onions, check. Tomatoes, check.

As I was at the drink fountain getting myself a Sprite I suddenly felt a presence behind me I turned my head to be faced to face with Mr. Italian god.

I yelped and began overflowing sprite all over my hands; his green eyes were glimmering with amusement, his lips curling.

God what is up with him and finding me amusing? I glared at him and set down my soda to begin fumbling around with the napkin holder with a frustrated growl.

I turned my head only to see a big olive skinned hand holding out a wad of napkins attached to the arm of my own personal Italian god.

I narrowed my ice blue eyes into his sparkling emerald green ones. I grabbed them from him quickly trying to not prolong our skin touching for very long but still being able to brush my palm along his; I shivered and bit my lip while slowly pulling the napkins from him. He smirked obviously liking my reaction to him. I hardened my glare and began walking to a table knowing perfectly well he would be following me; I sat down on the cold hard plastic chairs and he sat in front of me.

"Agent De Luca..." I said pouring dressing on my salad- not meeting his eyes.

"Dr. Fields... How has your day been?" He asked- smirking and grabbing a roll off of my plate earning another glare from me.

He just winked and took a bite out of it and I couldn't help but notice how amazing his lips looked as they wrapped around that roll and how the crumbs rolled down his chin—NO. Stop it.

Bad thought bad thoughts.

Mentally slapping myself, I took in a breath and shook my head hoping to shake the thoughts away. "So, would you like to begin?" He asked eyeing my steadily.

I nodded taking a piece of lettuce in my mouth hearing the crunch and trying to have it block out my thoughts.

"So tell me what happened that night..." He said leaning forward. And that's when I began telling him everything.

Detail for detail.

He didn't seem too interested, that was until I told him that I felt like someone was watching the scene unfold. His head snapped up his green eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What do you mean you felt as if someone were watching the scene unfold?" He asked regarding me heavily.

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