Chapter 8- Heart Attacks and Epiphanies

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Chapter 8:heart attacks, epiphanies- I woke with a pounding headache and dry eyes. I slowly stood, lowering my feet to the carpeted floor and hearing the popping and cracking of joints in the process.

I rubbed my temples blinking my eyes a few times and looked over to see a still sleeping Christine and Christopher, I walked in to the closet and grabbed my scrubs and peeled off my pajamas from the previous day and got in the shower.

It helped a little bit with my sore body and headache. After I got out feeling more refreshed I put on some light makeup and pulled my hair into a messy bun. I walked out of the bathroom to see Christine and Christopher still asleep. I walked over to Christopher kissing his cheek softly his eyes fluttered open and a smile lit up his face. "Mom-ma" he said his eyes twinkling. "Good morning my little sunshine how do you do today?!" I sung to him, he smiled "Good" he said and I picked him up and began getting him dressed for the day.

I heard Christine groan and I slipped on Christopher's clothes. "Well good morning sexy lady!" I said with a grin and I got a mumbled "Screw you..." I laughed and she drowsily got out of bed and drug herself into the bathroom to shower.

After getting Christopher dressed I slipped on my tennis shoes and walked over to the kitchen while pouring myself and Christine some coffee in a car to go mug.

Christine stepped out of the bathroom ready to go.

She walked over to me and rested her head on my shoulder and I chuckled while holding out two Advil and her coffee mug in my hand. "You are a goddess..." she stated as she took the Advil and coffee I laughed and grabbed the diaper bag and picked up Christopher, and we headed to the hospital.

We got out of the car once we arrived to the hospital and parked the car. We jogged into the hospital because we were running a few moments late, and we hopped onto the elevator as the elevator dinged Christine hopped off on her floor giving Christopher and I a kiss on the cheek with a quick 'goodbye'. Getting off on the floor I needed I walked into the daycare being greeted with the cries of children and the smell of Baby wipes and baby powder.

I walked over and signed Christopher in on the sign in sheet and handed him to the daycare manager giving him a kiss and hug goodbye.

As I stepped out of the daycare my pager began going off, I sighed and unclipped it from the waistband of my scrubs and looked to see they needed me in trauma one.

I ran down the emergency stairs almost slipping twice in the process finally making it to the ER uninjured might I add, I jogged over to the ambulance that was parked right outside the hospital immediately feeling the bite of the frigid cold air and the smell of fall in my nose. The ambulance doors flew open and I helped as they unloaded the gurney.

"Situation?" I asked as we rushed the gurney into one of the trauma rooms.

One of the paramedics who were helping push the gurney explained it to me. "82 year old man called 911 complaining of chest pain." I nodded while saying "Okay let's get an EKG and then a chem 7 and the a nitroglycerin drip started once we know if it's a heart attack. What are his sats?" I asked as I walked over to the old man.

"Right now it is at 85%." The paramedic stated.

I sighed "Okay let's get him on oxygen." I said and leaned over to the man who was smiling and staring at me.

He had white hair that was shaved short and ice blue eyes and big nose. "Hello Mr. Reynolds- I'm Dr. Laura Fields I am going to be treating you okay sir?" He nodded "It's good to meet you, I am very lucky to have such a beautiful young woman as my doctor" he stated and I chuckled. "Why thank you, I am very lucky to have such a handsome guy for my patient!" I said as I held his hand.

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