Chapter 3- Holy Hot God of a Man

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Chapter 3: holy hot god of a man- My eyes fluttered open to a little boy jumping up and down staring at me while clutching his stuffed teddy bear underneath his arm.

"Morning mom-ma" he said with a big grin that I couldn't help but copy.

"Morning my little man!" I said as I reached over and picked him up under his armpits and set him on my stomach. I kissed him on the nose then on the cheek, then on the other cheek and then gave him a peck on the lips hugging him close. "Mommy, me hungry." Christopher said. "Okay baby lets go wake up Aunt Christine." I said as I stood up with him on my hip. The cold morning air nipped at my skin and I shivered pulling a blanket tight around us.

I tip toed over to Christine's room hearing her loud snoring I put my index finger against my lips while listening to Christopher's little giggles.

We tip toed in to see Christine lying on her stomach her arm under her head and she was snoring loudly, drool was running down her cheek and onto her pillow.

I giggled under my breath, and as we approached her bed. I bent down Christopher so he was still on my hip but he could kiss her cheek with me we bent down and pecked her once, twice and then jumped on her and screamed "MORNING!!!"

We laughed as Christine flipped over, eyes wide as she shrieked in fear. Her eyes narrowed when she saw us sitting over her she raised her eye brows and yelled (in a monster voice) "WHO DARES DISRUPT THE MONSTERS SLEEP?!?!"

Christopher giggled while I playfully hid him under the blanket while he curled into my chest.

Christine took Christopher from my chest and began tickling him and blowing raspberries on his stomach all while I sat enjoying the scene of my friend more like sister playing with my son. She gave him a kiss and picked him up and handed him to me.

"Who wants breakfast?!" I asked – Christopher giggled and squealed "I'll take that as a yes!" I said smiling. "Yes this monster needs food!!" Christine yelled while rubbing her belly. We laughed and tip toed to the kitchen. I set Christopher down in his highchair while grabbing a sweater off of the back of a couch shivering as my teeth clattered together.

Christine walked into the kitchen in a heavy sweater and her arms wrapped around her torso.

"Man why is it so cold in here..?" she asked while I walked over to the stove and began cooking.

"I don't know..." I said as I looked for the cause only to see that my bedroom window was wide open.

"Weird my bedroom window is open... I swear I closed it. Man I must've been tired." I said as I was pulling the window down and locking it.

We walked back into the kitchen to see Christopher squealing and gurgling happily, while drinking apple juice from his Sippy cup.

I began making breakfast; the smell of maple bacon filled my lungs, and the sweet smell of blueberry French toast.

I sighed as I walked over and placed the plates down on the dining room table. We sat down and began eating- the blueberries popped in my mouth while the crispiness of bacon crunched against my teeth.

I took a sip of my OJ letting the tartness of it override my senses.

"So what do we have planned for today?" Christine asked as she took a bite of bacon.

"Well, I wanted to go to the hospital and see how Lacey is doing, and I have some paperwork to finish and the FBI is coming today so I have to tell them what happened." I told her as I wiped a piece of maple syrup off of Christopher's chin.

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