Chapter 11- Sleepovers and Fights

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Chapter 11: Sleepovers, and fights- We were driving to the hospital currently, the sky dusted with a light shade of pinks and oranges making a beautiful sunset.

My knee was bouncing up and down anxiety pitted itself in my chest. Is she okay? Does she remember anything?

Will she remember me? Thoughts like this swirled like a tornado through my mind, not helping the anxiety as we pulled in the hospital parking lot. "Mi amour, it's going to be fine, we will give Christopher to Christine and go see Laci, Don't worry." He said pulling my forehead to his, I shut my eyes basking in his calm presence, and I felt the anxiety drop.

We pulled apart smiling at each other as we got out of the car.

I held Christopher on my hip as Antonio held my hand and we walked into the hospital. Christine met us with worry in her eyes. "Are you okay babe? I know it is a big thing but just relax" she said as she hugged me. "I know." I said smiling slightly. "Mommy loves you baby" I said looking down at Christopher and kissing his forehead and handing him to Christine. Antonio gripped my hand within in his, and we began walking to Laci's room.

My heart hammered in my ribcage and my palms were clammy, I felt dizzy.

We arrived at Laci's door all too soon and I began rubbing my temples as Antonio held my elbows rubbing them. "It will be fine." He said pulling me close and kissing my temple. 'oh how I wouldn't be able to do this without him' I thought and took a deep breath smiling sadly and pulling myself together.

Antonio grasped the door knob and it was as if I was watching it happen in slow motion as he turned it slightly and it creaked open as he knocked.

I heard a faint come in over the rushing of blood through my ears. We walked in slowly, my head down practically gripping Antonio's arm within mine.

Tears stung my eyes, and I slowly pulled my eyes up to see Patricia standing in front of me, and I realized the curtain to Laci's bed was closed. "Oh dear!" Patricia said gripping me in a hug as if I was the most amazing person on the earth, and for a moment my arms hung limp by my sides while she was muttering things softly in my ears.

She pulled back tears running down her cheeks and I hadn't realized I was actually crying when I felt Antonio's grip tightening as he saw my tear stained cheeks.

Patricia smiled at me tears still pouring down her cheeks, and I smiled back. She pulled away and walked over to the closed blue curtain.

My heart began thumping loudly again and I wondered if everyone in the room was hearing it as well. Patricia slowly opened the curtains and I was greeted with a sight I had dreamed about and longed to see.

Laci was sitting in her bed, the bed propped up and she was sitting up. Her hands we crossed in her lap and she smiled at a little Kayla who was sitting on the bed playing with dolls. Her white blonde hair was framing her heart shaped face. Her lips and face now with color, and her cheek dusted with a light pink.

As if sensing my gaze she slowly turned to me revealing beautiful ice blue eyes like my own that began filling up with unshed tears. 'Why was she crying' I thought and she held out her arms as if telling me it was alright to come into her arms, and that was all I needed.

I was in Antonio's grip and suddenly I was in Laci's. My shoulder and body trembling with the sob that was at the back of my throat and I let it finally escape.

I could feel tears on my exposed shoulder and I pulled back to see a crying Laci and I brought a hesitant hand up to caress her cheek, wiping the fallen tears in the process as she did the same. She smiled at me and I was hit with her beauty. "Oh you're so beautiful" I said as my eyes began stinging again. "Same too you girl" she said and her voice was soft and sounded like a small girls.

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