"It's raining, baby... What are you doing outside?" 

Hansung's breath hitched as he heard the words of Jungkook. Again, it leaves him tongue-tied as he looks at the younger like he's a miracle. The prince forgot to blink and breathe. When the coldness transformed to a warm caress on his cheeks, Hansung came out of his trance, realizing it's Jungkook shielding him from every hardship that was coming towards him. Hansung didn't reply. He just passed a glance at the canvases around the corner, neat and blank. 

Jungkook knows Hansung expresses his thoughts and emotions through paintings. He has seen stories behind every color of the prince. He loved to watch Hansung paint like a marvel. It's a sight he would never forget. When he looked at the canvases he found them blank and abandoned in a corner. The raindrops which were splitting on the floor were damping the edges of the canvas too. The paint palettes left there were already soaked and the younger man wondered. Hansung was never this careless, especially when it comes to his arts.  With a soft smile lingering on his lips, Jungkook leaned into cage Hansung in his hands. He wasn't that sure about his gesture but wanted to persuade the prince in his arms that even if the time changes, the home in his heart for Hansung will stay. He hoped his Han could feel that too. 

"You'll get cold, Han..." 

Jungkook said with his tone changing to scolding the inner child of Hansung. The prince pouted and lowered his head, but found comfort in the hold of Jungkook. He forgot that the last bit of rain was wetting both of them, and continued standing there. The midnight was at its peak with prince Hansung feeling at home in those arms, and Jeon Jungkook was in euphoria. They searched the moon under the dark clouds silently. Moments of silence passed and Hansung whispered against the hard chest of Jungkook. 

"One day, I wish to dance with you... In the rain... 

Holding your hands, hearing your heartbeats..." 

He paused to look at Jungkook. The wide doe eyes were on him, lips keeping the soft smile but the shades of happiness on his face had faded to some unknown expression that Hansung couldn't read. Is Jungkook gonna say no to his wish? Hansung felt heartbroken at the thought. 

"If I call you again in a midnight rain, 
Will you come and dance with me?" 

It was Jungkook's turn to skip a beat. He was frozen by the rain but that was not what affected him at that time. It was the words. Like always, Hansung knows what has the power to shake Jungkook's heart. He looked at the elder with long eyes filled with hope and fear. Jungkook tightened the hold on Hansung. He wanted to nod and say yes. Of course, even if Hansung called him in the middle of the flames that were burning the world, Jungkook would leave his life behind and run towards his Han and hold him in his arms. But words didn't come out as he thought. 

The prince looked vulnerable. It was the first time Hansung said something he wanted to do with Jungkook. Without thinking more, the younger one agreed, murmuring a small yes in Hansung's ears. He can feel the wide boxy smile of the prince as he said the reply. It fills the voids of his heart. That's what Jungkook wished the most from Hansung. Not any vows, not any words. It's the blissful smile of the prince. 

Hansung took a deep breath while snuggling closer to the crook of Jungkook's neck. Inhaling the pine scent and fresh rain that lingered on the younger one's body, the prince imagined the night that shines within, cloudy sky and pearl-like raindrops that would fall over them, washing away their stains of misfortunes. He portrayed a masterpiece of them holding hands and dancing under the rain. It took him a moment to realize the words he said to the younger and ponder over the people from the present. 

Jeon Jungkook doesn't trust the future. The people from the present don't wait for a day to fulfill their wishes. He has seen Jungkook run towards him, saying he wanted to see him right then and there. Hansung used to wonder. It's just a night, a day, or an Eve. Even if they miss it, what's the big deal? The time will come again. But Jungkook had told him before. 

"This... This is what I have. This time will never come back. I want to cherish this moment as much as I can... 'Cause I don't trust tomorrow..." 

Hansung flinched at the thought. What if the one day he used to marvel would never come? What if the time stopped and the rain didn't pour? What if he loses that long-awaited moment just like his lifetime? Will Jungkook come to find him? Will time allow him that again? 

"ng...hyung… hyung…?

Hey... Han..." 

The tap on his shoulder from Jungkook brought the prince back to reality. Hansung blinked at the other, raised eyebrows questioning him silently. 

"I will come to meet you in the next rain. Even if it takes forever to reach here, I wanna see you dance, my prince Han..." 

Jungkook whispered like he read the tension that masqueraded in Hansung's eyes and heart. He wanted to see the smile of the prince. So he waited for Hansung to reciprocate the little smile on his lips. And when the other passed one with a rosy blush on the cheeks, Jungkook felt worthy to live in the moment. The night was deeper than they thought and both of them sat next to each other on the swing chair of Hansung's balcony. The dainty fingers of the prince went to push back the hair strands of Jungkook hesitantly. Soft touch stayed there for some time and Jungkook embraced the feeling to his soul. He can't lose this. He doesn't want to. As the night went darker, both of them paused to seize the moment. One about the future which he doesn't believe in, another one about the past which he can't change.


Your thoughts about Prince Han? And Jungkook's ideologies?

Take care... And thanks for reading💜


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