"Oi Koichi listen up, Josuke is fucked right now do you understand? He can't heal himself just like he healed us- "

"No you listen! We're alive because he healed us-"

"That's what I fucking said??"

"LET ME FINISH!" y/n shut up, surprised by the feistiness in Koichi. "Okay so, we are alive thanks to Josuke but if someone else is shot with that now and arrow again, they might actually die!"

He spread his hands out.

"Here in this town!"

Y/n tried to keep her face neutral.
Part of her was about to ask why should they care but thinking back about the countless of victims that Angelo killed and the nonchalance of the police about her mother's murder, she felt that he had a point.

Another life was going to be lost if nothing was done.

She took a deep breath as Koichi told them to stay here and he would go look for it himself.

"N-not to mention, I don't think their dad is here right now." he said approaching the stairs to the top floor. "I-if he was, I'm s-sure he would have shown himself by now."

His stutters were enough for y/n to know that he was putting on a brave front. She however, stayed silent and sighed.

"I swear I saw you pissed a moment ago," Josuke whispered into y/n's ear. "Why the sudden die down?" he chuckled when y/n scowled at him.
She turned her head so that she was looking up at his smirking face, her nose inches away from his.

"It just occured to me that Koichi might be right, why? Do you want to see me mad?" her light snicker made Josuke realise how close they were , his cheeks flushing a little red.

"A-and if I do..?" his voice dropped.

"You're messing with me Higashikata, keep it coming, that's just..." y/n cackled internally as she figured out what words to use to make that boy become the next tomato. "Adorable." True to her prediction, in the faint light, she could see Josuke blush hard.

"Anyways, help me up the stairs dumbass, Koichi's a brave and noble kid so let's just help him." he changed the topic and trudged up the stairs, y/n sighing and holding onto him.
Josuke reached out to tap Koichi's shoulder in which he turned around alarmed.

Ah, Koichi was definitely putting on a brave front.

"W-what? D-don't try to stop me."

"I wont," Josuke assured him. "Let's hurry up, snap that bow and arrow in half, and get the hell outta here together Koichi."
The boy smiled at him and y/n felt her heart clench.

Fine whatever Koichi you amazing bastard go save the world. She thought to herself, smiling a little to herself too.

The trio crept up the stairs and saw that the door leading to the attic was slightly ajar.
"Maybe the bow and arrow are up here," Koichi suggested as he moved to kneel near the door.

Y/n and Josuke said nothing, watching Koichi's expression as he perked into the room.
He soon let out a gasp and looked to them.

"It's in here! The bow and arrow!" y/n hauled Josuke up and the two of them huddled beside Koichi.
Josuke seemed to be getting more tired so y/n crossed her fingers and hoped that they wouldn't need to fight again.

"They're hanging on the far wall!" Koichi hissed.
A sudden creaking and groaning sound made the trio jump, exchanging nervous glances at each other. Y/n bit her bottom lip nervously as they waited out the noise.

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