SHOOT! (10/Finale)

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Reginas POV

..."Well? Are you ready? Let's do this!" Melvin says, determined.
"Woah, calm down there, buddy, I haven't introduced my team yet." Kelly asks and motions for other people to come in. About 5 other people walked in, including Agent Peters. "Now we're even."
Get them."

It was time! We charged at them! I went straight for the woman of it all herself, Kelly.

Daniels POV

I was taking on one of Kellys "minions", an ex-hacker or hacker I suspected.
I thew the first punch towards their head, but they dodged it! They tried to punch me back, but I grabbed their wrist and twisted it as far back as I could, we were all determined to defeat them. Every single one of them. I threw the second punch at their stomach, still holding a firm grip on their wrist. Then I threw them backwards on the ground, I don't even know how I did that, but they got knocked out, I went to the other Spy Ninjas to see if they needed help, I saw Chad was slightly struggling so I went and helped her.

Reginas POV

"This is it, you versus me, let's do this." I told Kelly, confidently.
"Ohh, I've been wanting to do this for so long." She says while cracking her knuckles. "Come at me."
Vy taught me a new ninja move while we were training, so I decided to test it on Kelly;I threw a fake punch at her, and as she was busy looking at my fake punch with my left fist, she didn't even notice that I was going at her face with my other fist.
"Ow!" She yelled out, but I didn't care anymore, I kicked her thigh and she fell to the ground, I started punching and slapping her, until she begged for me to stop, at this at point all the Spy Ninjas and I were standing around her, making sure she cannot get up.
"Okay, fine, fine! You win, just let me g-" Kelly starts to say, but was interrupted by Daniel punching her straight across the face, knocking her unconscious.
"Well, what do we do now?" Daniel asks us, as if he didn't just knock out someone else.
"I-I genuinely don't know, back to the safe house? Celebrate?" Vy said.
"Oh, yeah, let's celebrate, we defeated them! We stopped Project Zorgo 2.0!" Melvin chanted.
"Woo!" We all cheered, high-fiving and hugging each other, and that was the first time in about two weeks I hugged Daniel, it felt...nice..

Back at the Safehouse

We just finished editing the video and ate a celebratory dinner. We decided to all go to bed earlier because we were beat from a long day of fighting today, well, except Melvin, being the coffee induced guy he is, he just stayed up gaming in the hatch.


It was about 11pm, when I woke up to text notifications on my phone, I thought I silenced it, jeez, they were loud. I checked my phone to see who it was, and it was Daniel. I unlocked my phone and opened his text.

Daniel: Hey, Regina, can I talk to you outside, sorry for the time, but I couldn't wait until tomorrow to to you, I don't even know if you're up haha.

I sighed and let out a small laugh, when we were dating he use to text me to come outside, usually it was a special dinner or something romantic, but it was never this late. I thought for a little bit of what to text back, then came to the conclusion:

Regina: Alright.

I walked out of my room, I assumed he was talking about the back and not the front- oh, yep, there he is, in the backyard, I think he's at the gazebo but just to make sure I texted him again.

Regina: Are you at the gazebo?

I got an instant reply back

Daniel: Yep.

I carefully and quietly tiptoed to the coat rack to get a hoodie and shoes, I got my favourite hoodie, it was BTS, and some slip-on Vans. I went and opened the back door and made my way outside, heading towards the gazebo.


"Daniel?" I said as I stepped up the stairs onto the gazebo, squinting, trying to see in the dark. "What is it?"
"Thank you for coming here, and sorry again, I know it's late, but I couldn't wait to tell you, so I'm just gonna say it all at once quickly." He takes a deep breath in.
"I'm still in love with you, I know you won't take me back, but I need to show you something, I didn't want to be with Jessica, or Kelly, I don't know, but she..I think she manipulated me." He goes quiet at the end and shows me his phone with text messages on it.

Kelly: Hey, Daniel, I'm Reginas best friend, Kelly, well now ex-best friend, you have to leave her, trust me, she's toxic in every relationship she's been in.

Daniel: But she told me she's never been in a relationship before.

Kelly: She lied to you, she lies to everyone she's been with, we should meet so I can give you some more details ;) but trust me, you got to leave.

"Woah, wow..." I said, did she really say that? Well, ever since we discovered her true colours this week, I'm not really surprised, she became a monster in front of all our eyes. I felt back for Daniel, he seemed to be tricked by her, just as...I was...
"Yeah, I fell under her curse." He said sadly and sighed. "Regina, I'm so sorry, from the bottom of my heart I'm sorry, she told me so many awful things about you and I...I stupidly believed them, I don't know why I did, she showed these text messages that I thought were between you and her, but they were probably just fake. I am so sorry, Regina, and I understand if you never accept my apology and hate me forever, I would hate me too..." He says and I just stare at him, thinking of his words.
Everyone deserves a second chance (well, almost everyone).
I pull Daniel in for a hug, hugging him tightly, I still kind of liked him too, and now that I heard his hundred apologies, I think that I can finally forgive him.
We pulled away after a few minutes and I could see a couples tears in his eyes.
"Sorry." He says laughing dryly and wiping his eyes.
"Listen, Daniel, I kind of want to get back together for you, but could we take it slowly and not tell the others for a while?" I ask him shyly.
"Of course." He smiles back.
There it is...
That amazing Daniel smile that I've been waiting for.

Ok anyways lol, woah this took so long and I love how it came out, thank you l so much for reading this, I put a lot of effort into this and I thought I was going to make this over the course of like a year, but it only took like a month of two to make lol.
Also I'm kind of out of Raniel story ideas 😭
Start time- 10:54pm
End time- 12:14am
Total time- 1 hour and 20 minutes
Word count- 1264 words woah

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