Strawberry Moon (1)

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Reginas POV
"Hey, babe." Daniel says and kisses me on the forehead. "What're doing up so early?"
"I woke up at 7 hungry and not being able to sleep." I say while eating a waffle.
"Ah, ok." He says and comes to sit down next to me, we've been dating for about 2 months now, and it's been am going pretty smoothly so far, we had one small fight, but we got over that quickly.
Daniel and I sat there for a little bit, chatting about nothing in particular, movies, food, etc.
Melvin walked in, we just discovered an extra room in the house, so Melvins been sleeping in there recently.
"What's up guys." Melvin says walking over to us.
"Hey, dude." Daniel replies, I wave to hin because my mouth was full of waffles.
Melvin tries to slightly side hug me, but I flinch, ever since the whole...incident, I guess you could say, I don't know what happened, but I'm kind of scared of hugging now, I hugged Eric before and since he's in jail now, for, well...yeah, I don't know what happened, but I just don't like hugs anymore. I guess Melvin didn't notice and continued to hug me before he finally pulled away.
"Alright, I think I'm gonna go for a walk." I get up and put my dish in the dish washer.
"Mind if I join?" Daniel asks me, smiling.
"Aww," I say, putting on my shoes and grabbing a light jacket, "no, but I appreciate you asking me." I tease him, touching him on the nose, he sighs dramatically which makes me laugh, we say a quick goodbye to each other and I leave the safe house, grabbing out my phone and was reaching for my earbuds in my jeans pocket, but realized they weren't in there, as I turned around, I heard a sudden yelp from inside.
"What?!" I hear Melvin yell from inside the house, I put my ear up close to the door to be able to hear better, that was so mistake as what I hear next makes my heart drop.
"I don't know! I just don't feel the connection anymore, I have to break up with her I'm sorry!" I hear Daniel say. As soon as I heard that part of me wanted to run away, part of me wanted to cry, and part of me wanted to confront him, I decided to do the last two. I open the door, slowly, and they both turn around to face me, Daniels face drops and I feel tears starting to stream down my face.
"Regina-" Daniel tries to say, but I decide to turn around and I slammed the door in his face and ran away, I don't know where I was going to go, so I just decided to run to the park, I found a bench and sat down on it and started to cry, I got multiple calls from both Daniel and Melvin, then I got one from Vy, I assume she didn't know what was happening so I decided to answer it.
"H-hello? Vy?" I stutter, trying not to make it sound like I was crying.
"Regina, are you okay? I heard what happened, I'm so sorry." Of course she knew.
I sigh and lie to her, but she sees right through me.
"I'm fine, V-Vy." I sniffle trying to hold back tears.
"I know you're not, can you please come back to the safe house."
"I don't want to."
"Please, Regina." She pleads.
"Fine. I'll be back in a couple minutes." I say and hang up, I guess there's no way of backing out of this.

Back at the safe house

I slowly enter the safe house, all four of them stare at me, but I was prepared for this.
"I'm here, what do you want?" I say angrily.
"Regina." Daniel says and pulls me outside.
"Listen, I'm sorry, you weren't supposed to hear that, but I can't do this, I'm breaking up with you, I'm so so sorry, Regina." Daniel tells me, I tried to hold my tears back, but failed, I broke down and just whispered an "Okay" then headed back inside.
Chad, Vy and Melvin all looked at me in concern, but I just ran into my room, pushing past them and locked the door. This was the worst day of my life.

Uh ohhh what will happen next? I don't know I gotta finish writing my other book first lol, but anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter :)

Word Count- 775 Words
Time started writing- 12:15am
Time finished writing- 12:35am

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