Deja Vu (2)

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Daniels POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Regina today, I just didn't really like her anymore, or... Love? I don't know, our relationship seems simple, but it's very complicated. I can't even imagine how she feels right now, but I had to do it, I don't want to stay with someone I didn't like, I'll always love Regina, but not in any romantic way.


I couldn't sleep, I got maybe 30 minutes of sleep? I stepped out of my room and walked into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water, it was pretty dark so I couldn't see anything, as I was about to walk past the counter, someone scared me.
"Hey! Daniel!" Melvin said, scaring me.
"Ah!" I slightly scream then cover my mouth in hopes that no one heard me.
"Oh my, why did you scare me like that, Melvin?"
"I have some questions for you." He says.
"Of course you do," I sigh, "is it about Regina?"
"Yeah, why did you break up with her?!"
"Because I didn't feel any attraction to her anymore okay?" I say and slide past him to get a glass of water.
"Well she still loves you, and she's still sobbing in her room!" Melvin says.
"Are you trying to guilt trip me or..?" I say genuinely confused.
"No I'm not! You broke my sisters heart, she was in love with you for so long, she-"
"I was in love with her for four years, she only liked, not even loved me, for like 6 months! I had to do it, I was going to be with someone who I didn't love, now if you'll excuse me." I tried to quietly yell at him, but I think I was still too loud.
I tried to push past him, but he grabbed onto my arm.
"Daniel! Stop trying to leave, you can't run away from your problems forever." Melvin angrily says at me.
"My problems? I have no problems! This doesn't concern you, okay?!" I glare at him and get free from his grip, I speed walked back to my room, locked the door and laid on my hammock.
"Worst day ever" I thought to myself.

Reginas POV

Geez, 10:30 in the morning? I slept in for that long and I still feel tired, ugh, I miss Daniel, metaphorically, not physically, he's in the next room over, but I know he won't get back together with me, I heard him and Melvin arguing at like 12am, I'm glad to know he has my back, suddenly I hear someone open my door.
"Hey, sisbro, finally up, eh? Melvin says smiling at me.
"Heyyy." I wave. "I'm still tired though."
"Even after 12 hours of sleep? Hah." Melvin laughs. Right, he didn't know that I was still up last night.
He brought me some toast and we talked for a little bit, then Vy knocked on my door and said we were going to start filming.

Reginas POV still

Filming only took an hour or two, usually it took longer, but it was just a 100 buttons challenge, except it was 100 balloons with challenges inside instead.
I was just sitting on one of the bean bags on my laptop writing down video ideas that I see online. I usually come up with some of the video ideas, and so does Daniel, which means we have to discuss together which video we should do, I don't want to talk to him though, but I have to. Say, where is he anyways?
"Hey guys!" Daniel says, walking in from his Gizmo Room dressed very fancy, in a suit and tie, he use to dress up like that whenever we went out together, I miss that.
"I can't stay and eat dinner with you guys, sorry, but I have..." He looks at me, then immediately looks away to look at someone else. "...a date."
The room fell silent, I looked at Melvin and saw him glaring at Daniel, Daniel must've noticed that because his face went pale.
"S-so, uh, bye I guess." He says and walks out the door.
There's no way he has a date already, I didn't tell anyone we broke up yet, so they should know what we're still- wait.
I open my phone and check Daniels Instagram, on it I see a photo with the caption:
Yes, we've broken up, I still care about Regina, but I had to do it. Please respect our decision and please don't ship us any more.
Ship us anymore? He still cares about me? What?!


I've been staring at this photo and it's caption for what feels like an hour now, but probably has only been 10 minutes. I click on the comments to see what our fans have to say, some of them are sad, some of them are getting mad that we broke up, and some are still shipping us together. I didn't know Daniel posted that, I thought we were going to keep it a secret for a little bit. Should I post on my Instagram that we broke up? I mean, Daniel did, so I guess I should too...
It took me 15 minutes to think of the right caption to put, but I think I finally got it:
Yes, we broke up, I'm sure you've seen Daniels post already (I didn't know we were making it public, but you guys were going to find out anyways), as Daniel said, please respect our decision, sure I'm sad... But it's over now.
I stared at it for a little bit longer, but then finally clicked the post button, I decided to shut off my phone for the night and walked over to my room, grabbing my laptop on the way.
When I got to my room, I decided to check my text messages, not on Instagram, but on Whatsapp.
I saw that I had a text from one of my bed friends, Kelly.

Hey, Reggie, I saw your post
on Instagram, I'm so
sorry :(

Oh yeah, thanks..

I'm always here if
you ever need to talk,
not right now though
I'm out on a date lol.

Thanks lol, gtg bye!

Bye Reg!!

I shut off my computer for the night and went to sleep, I just wanted this day to be over.

New book yayyyyyy
If you haven't read 'Fake Boyfriend', I recommend you read that first :) (even though it's a little bit too late now lol)
Word count: 1100 words exactly woah lol
Time started writing: 5:43pm
Time ended: 6:23pm

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