I Can't Stop Me (9)

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..."So, is it all ready, P?" I hear Kelly say through the Ninja Noise Enhancer. Who's 'P'?
"Yep, all ready for eleven tonight, it'll be all over from then." The other person replies.
"Right on...

"What?!" I exclaimed. "Peters? As in, Agent Peters?!"
"I think so.." Regina replied nervously.
"We should just go up there and confront them right now!" Chad suggests, trying to stay quiet.
"We should, let's go!" I say and we run up to Peters and Kelly.
"Hey! You two! Stop right there!" Chad yells as we get to them.
"We know your plan, we're going to take you down!" Daniel says. "We are prepared for you!"
"Yeah!" We all say at once.
"Hah, yeah, sure you are." Kelly rolls her eyes, then suddenly, Melvin punches her.
"Ow! Hey!" She tries to punch him back, but misses.
"Let's go, battle royale, five verse two!" Regina says.
"We'll see about that." Agent Peters says while laughing, then throws something on the ground, before we even knew what it was, we all fell onto the ground, gasping for air.

Reginas POV

Where am I? How did I get here? What even is this pla- oh, the abandoned building, great.
The last thing I remember is being at the park and catching Kelly and Agent Peters talking about something, I can't remember what it is though.
I tried to stand up, but my hands were tied to chair.
"Uhh.. My head." I hear a familiar voice say to my left, I look over and see I'm not alone.
"D-Daniel?" I ask.
"Huh? Regina? Hey!" He says.
"Hey! Do you know how we got here?"
"No, I don't, I only remember confronting Kelly and Peters."
We talk for a little bit too try and think of escape plans, but we had nothing, no plans, there seemed like there was no doors, and neither of us had any ninja gadgets.
"So, are we just stuck in here then?" Daniel asks.
"Yep, I think so."
Daniel sighs, throwing his arms into the air, wait..his arms?
"Wait, Daniel. Are you hands tied up?" I ask him.
"Huh? Oh, no, they're not." He says, looking down at his hands.
"They've been untied this entire time?!" I yell.
"Yeah! Jeez, why?" He asks, dumbfounded.
"Ahem, my hands, they're tied up!" I say, and he finally gets my point.
"Oh, sorry I didn't see! I'll untie them hold on." Daniel comes to me and unties my hands.
"Thank you.." I mutter.
"Uh-huh." He replies back.
We both get up and explore the room to find some way of escaping.
"Hey, what about this window?" Daniel asks, pointing to the window, I turn around and realize that there was a window there I missed.
"Oh, I didn't even notice that there was a window there, can you open it?" I wonder.
"Let me try." He tried to open the window, but it was locked. "Nope, I can't, it's shut tightly."
"Dang it. Can we try to break it?"
"There's nothing in here to break it with, and we would get glass all over ourselves."
"You're right." I reply. We keep looking around the room, then I notice something in a corner of the room.
"Hey, is that a crowbar?" I ask and walk towards it. "Oh, it is. Maybe we could try prying open the window?"
"Good idea!" Daniel smiles at me.
"Thanks." I smile back, gosh, I haven't seen a genuine Daniel smile in forever. I try to open the window with the crowbar, and it works!
"Yay! It's open!" I say excitedly and place the crowbar back on the ground.
"Good job, let's go!" Daniel says and we both go through the window.


Daniel and I wandered the hallways for a little bit, searching for Chad, Vy and Melvin, then came across a room with noises coming from it.
"What are those noises?" I wonder as Daniel and I approach the door.
He twists the handle, and to our surprise, it actually turns, we open the door and it opens. In the room we find Chad, Vy and Melvin all in there.
"Guys! There you are!" Vy says happily as she sees Daniel and I.
We all say hi to each other, then went out searching for Peters and Kelly.
We then came across a room, this room had mirrors all around it and was huge, this is where we had most of our fights in here, but we were prepared. On the way upstairs to this room, we found all our ninja gadgets, Chad found his stun-chucks, Vy found her bow staff, Daniel found his handy-dandy Daniel Drone, Melvin found his bat, and I found my monkey's fist.
"Well, well, well...who do we have here?" Kelly asks, stepping out from a door connecting to the room we were in.
"Well? Are you ready? Let's do this!" Melvin says, determined.
"Woah, calm down there, buddy, I haven't introduced my team yet." Kelly asks and motions for other people to come in. About 5 other people walked in, including Agent Peters. "Now we're even."
Get them."

Zoo wee mama yayyy, the next chapter will be the last chapter and will probably have a lot more words, or at least I hope it will, I hope I feel creative the day I make that chapter lol.
Start time- 11:03pm
End time- 11:32pm
29 minutes, nice lol.
Word count: 915 words.

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