♡km/h (8)

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Daniels POV

...I'm too tired to deal with any more of this anymore, it's only five pm, but it feels like twelve am.
I can't ask Regina to get back together with me, though, she'll for sure reject me, she's moved on. I might lay back from dating for a while, and focus more on this whole PZK, Jessica/Kelly situation.
Why can't we all just live normal, YouTuber lives.

The next morning

We've all been up since about six am, just tying to figure out where Kelly could've gone. This all feels so surreal.
"She could be at the park, whenever we go there to look for someone, like a hacker, they're always there." Vy suggests.
"Hmm, maybe, or that abandoned building that Agent Peters is usually at." Chad adds. "Do you three have any other ideas?"
"No, but maybe we could try and split up to find her." I suggest. "Me and Chad can go to the abandoned building to try and find her, and you three can go to the park." I point at Regina, Vy and Melvin.
"Good idea, Spy Ninjas on three?" Melvin says.
We put our hands together and raise them up.
"Spy Ninjas!"


"Ah, the abandoned building, still has that same garbage smell." I smell the air as Chad and I walk inside.
"Yep. So, where should we look first?" He asks.
"Maybe we could start on this floor and work our way up."
Chad and I look everywhere on the first floor, there is a lot of area on this floor, we should've all gone here instead.
We walked into a room and turned on the light but noticed that the bulb kept flickering, we didn't think much of it, but then I felt someone hit something on the back of my head and I fell unconscious.


"Daniel! Daniel! Wake up!" I hear Chad calling my name.
"Huh? Oww...my head.." I mumble, rubbing my throbbing head, I feel like it's going to explode. "What happened?"
"You got hit on the back of the head by a hacker! Don't worry though, I took him out. But I think that we should probably get going, I don't think she's here." Chad says.
"But what about the second floor?" I ask.
"Oh, yeah, while you were out I quickly checked the second floor, she's not there, and I don't think she would be on the roof either."
"Oh, thanks, Chad."
"Yeah, no problem." He says. "Now let's get you back to the safe house, I'll call the others and tell them what happened.



"Alright, where should we start looking first?" I ask as we all get out of Melvin car at the park.
"Maybe near the benches, that seems to be a popular spot for hackers to hang out, maybe they've seem her." Regina says and we start walking towards there.
"Why would the hackers help us?" Melvin asks.
Regina shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know."
We get to the area and start looking for any clues or traces that she is or could've been here.
"Hey, is this anything?" Regina calls to us, walking over and showing Melvin and I a piece of paper with the words written on it:
11:26, they won't know.
"What does that mean?" I wonder out loud.
"Well it's eleven seventeen right now, so if we wait a few minutes and hide out, we might be able to catch her!" Melvin tells us.
"Yeah! We should call the others." I say and bring out my phone to facetime Chad.
"Hello?" He picks up my call.
"Hey, Chad! We need you and Daniel to come to the park ASAP, we found a clue that could lead to where Kelly is!" I excitedly tell him.
"Oh, great! We'll be there in a few minutes, Daniel got hurt on our mission, so we decided to take a break for a few in the safe house, but we'll drive over right now."
"Oh, alright, see ya."
"Bye." He hangs up.


"Hey, guys! We're here." Chad announces.
"Hey you two, she's about to show up, hide!" Melvin tells them, pointing to a tree, motioning that they should hide behind it.
"Oh, Daniel," I overhear Regina say, "are you okay?"
"Oh, yeah, I'm fine, I just got knocked out by a hacker." He replies, nonchalantly.
"What?! Where? When?" She rushes.
"It's fine, I'm okay now." He smiles.
"Alright, that's all that matters." She looks away, and I can see a smile on not only Daniels face, but Reginas face as well.
Just as we expected, at eleven twenty-six, Kelly shows up, but she's not alone. We can clearly see her facing us, but the other person is facing away from us.
"So, is it all ready, P?" I hear Kelly say through the Ninja Noise Enhancer. Who's 'P'?
"Yep, all ready for eleven tonight, it'll be all over from then." The other person replies.
"Right on...

Muahahaha a cliff hanger, I also just realized that I didn't write down the time I started this and ended this at, but let's just say it took about 35 minutes lol, anyways I'm really excited for the next few chapters, so stay tuned!

Word count- 882 words

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