Thankfully you had brought both your laptops again and you were able to get a copy of the script from Jason and start to mark where you thought Yoongi was at.

You sent texts to Miso, and she said she was still working with the hotel. No updates on Eun-Jin.

By one o'clock, you gave up, locked the trailer and went to the sound stage in search of Yoongi. You saw him still on set and went to find the PA instead and got a promise that he would send you the call sheet he was working from for Yoongi, so you had a better idea of what was happening. The PA mentioned that the daily updates must be going to the wrong email, and you hurriedly jumped on that excuse and provided your own email instead. You exchanged phone numbers with the PA so that he could just text you when they needed Yoongi, and he rapidly agreed to do that.

After that you went to glance at the talent area, but it was full today now that the heat was on in the building, so you went to stand over by Derek and Jason's little office. It was still cold, but not nearly as cold as yesterday and it let you watch Yoongi work in peace.

Finally, they released him from stage, and you waved to get his attention. He smiled a bit as he shrugged his coat on and you nudged him in the direction of craft services and onto a bench at a table.

"You sit, I'll grab everything this time," you said. You watched Yoongi's face and thought that he probably could really use that nap at in the warmth on quiet of the trailer, but you weren't sure he was going to get it today. You brought up the schedule on your phone and set it in front of Yoongi.

"Long days ahead I'm afraid," you said and patted him on his left shoulder. He reached up and grabbed your hand and squeezed it without saying anything, and you squeezed back.

"Long days for us both I think," he said finally looking up at you and giving a small smile. "Thanks Babygirl."

You smiled and walked over to find food and warm drinks for you both. You found soup and bread and tea again, there was also a small noodle dish so you took a plate to share between you. Your mental shopping list was getting longer as you added Red Ginseng and Chopsticks for you both.

You put your trophies from your food hunt down in front of Yoongi and went to grab silverware and napkins. This time when you sat down, you sat next to Yoongi on the bench.

"I don't want you to be uncomfortable if you fall asleep," you said smiling.

He smiled back but took the fork and spoon from you. He expertly twirled the noodles on his fork and took a bite.

"Thank you (Y/N), this is tasty. And warm." Yoongi's tired smile made you want to tuck him into the bed in the trailer asap.

You double checked the schedule from the PA and the clock on your phone and found they'd given him a two-hour break for lunch, and it looked like they had broke for lunch early. If they needed Yoongi, they could come pry him out of bed. You thought it probably was a combo of long days and jet lag, but the man was looking even more pale than normal.

You ate as quickly as you could, and Yoongi still finished before you. You cleaned up your area and then you grabbed Yoongi's arm and nearly dragged him back to the trailer.

Once inside, you got him out of his boots and coat and nudged him towards the bedroom.

Yoongi's eyes popped open as he figured out where you were going and his smirky smile tried to come back, but you could see through it.

"Yoongi, you're exhausted. You need to rest for a bit before they need you on set again." He looked so disappointed when you said it, you forgot yourself and leaned down to kiss him on the head before turning away to grab a blanket from the storage area.

Yoongi didn't let you complete your turn before he caught your hand and tugged you down to sit on his lap.

"I'm tired Babygirl, but not so tired I wouldn't notice that. Is it later?" he asked. But even as you started to respond, a yawn caught him out of nowhere and his jaw nearly cracked with it. You giggled and waited until he was himself again and responded.

"Yoongi, I think what we want right now is not as important as you getting a little bit of sleep. But," as he started to shake his head, "I wouldn't mind if you let me get a little sleep with you," you added quietly.

Yoongi wrapped his arms around your waist and nodded.

"After that then, we'll have our talk Babygirl." And Yoongi yawned again.

You frowned and stepped away to grab blankets. Then frowned again at what came out of the storage area. Well, one more thing to add to the shopping list for tomorrow, you thought as you pulled out the blankets. You stepped into the front room and grabbed Yoongi's down puffer jacket and brought that back before covering up Yoongi who was already laying down eyes closed on the bed. You brought your phone in and checked the time, and then your head hit the pillow. You felt Yoongi's arm snake around your waist, but you were suddenly too sleepy to even care, you simply snuggled into the warmth and let the nap happen.

 You felt Yoongi's arm snake around your waist, but you were suddenly too sleepy to even care, you simply snuggled into the warmth and let the nap happen

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